Chapter 4: A Skele-fun Outing

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The smell of burning food immediately got you slamming your bedroom door wide open. You were speeding through the hallways, and the very sound of your thundering footsteps woke the others up because they all went out of their rooms with grouchy expressions.

"Who, the ever-loving fuck," you gritted your teeth as you ran. "Is burning my kitchen this early in the morning?!"

"ugh . . ." Red gave a big yawn as he closed the door behind him, showing off his sharp teeth. "what the fuck is going on—?"

"Out of the way, Hot Topic, my kitchen's about to get burned!" You exclaimed, and Red quickly dodged out of the way before you could slam into him full force.

Red placed a hand over his chest out of shock due to the fact that your running figure was eerily similar to that of a big truck driving at full speed. "what the—"

You wasted no time and slid down the staircase by the railing. The small cloud of black smoke is making your heart pound wildly out of your chest. Once you reached the bottom of the staircase, you dashed your way over to the kitchen.

"WHO—" You skidded to a stop.

The image you were seeing right now was surely something else. Blue neatly placed a plate full of what seemed to be tacos on the table while the pan on your stove was literally on fire right now. And the ceiling sprinklers—you don't want that kind of mess in the morning.

And one more thing . . . was that glitter sprinkled all over the tacos? Where did he even acquire the glitter in the first place?

Blue heard your distressed footsteps, and he turned around to greet you with a huge smile. "GOOD MORNING, (Y/N)! I MADE SOME BREAKFAST TACOS FOR ALL OF US!"

You grabbed a thick towel off the counter and immediately soaked it under running water from the sink. After wringing the excess water off, you quickly draped the damp towel on top of the burning pan.

"Blue, didn't I tell you not to set the pan on fire when you cook?" You sighed heavily. "It's expensive to pay for any damages!"

His smile wavered slightly. "B-BUT I DID! AND THE FIRE WAS NOT THAT STRONG!"

"Seriously, I don't know who taught you how to cook, but that's not how we humans do it at all. Look at what happened to my counter; it's all charred." It's safe to say that you were definitely irritated, but the anger immediately dissipated when you saw the genuine guilt on his face.

"I-I'M SO SORRY, (Y/N)—!" The smile was completely wiped off his face now, but you raised your hand to silence him.

"I'm not finished." You crossed your arms with a small smile. "I can see that you did this out of kindness, and it's sweet that you wanted to cook us breakfast, so I'll let this slide for now."


"Well, it's hard not to get mad when your kitchen almost gets set on fire." You looked away to avoid his guilty face. "But I'll forgive you if you're willing to learn from me from now on."

"REALLY?" Blue immediately perked up, his eyes practically sparkling. "THANK YOU, (Y/N)! I'LL SHOW YOU THAT THE MAGNIFICENT BLUE IS SURELY A FAST LEARNER!"

"Atta boy." You gave him a thumbs up. "It's still pretty early, so let's clean this place up before we cook again. Is that cool?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "VERY COOL!"

In the few minutes that you both spent cleaning the kitchen, you heard multiple footsteps coming down the grand staircase. Judging from the sound, you assumed there were only four of them present. The rest of your guests probably chose to ignore the noise and go back to sleep.

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