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Episode One! Season One
See You After School!

I'll hold a banquet.
I'll hold banquet after banquet...
I'll form an eternal gathering, forever unchanging because I may be lonely now, but I won't disappear...
Because their all waiting for me...
On the other side of that promise.
Words spoken long ago, forgotten in the distant past.
An old memory forgotten by everyone.

The original promise...

"Wow" You smile raising your hand to the sky to block out the sun "this is wired" you laugh "it usually cools down in September, but it looks like it's gonna be another hot day" you smile.

You duck your head back into your tent which was your home now and smile seeing the photo on your box.

"Look after everything ok mum?" You ask smiling "and make sure Toruh is safe" you say.

The picture sat there of the beautiful woman her orange hair swaying as she held the small brunette girl in her arms.

"Bye I'll see you after school!" You call:

You smiled zipping up the tent and running off down the dirt road.
You happily walk through the forest the bright morning sky over your head and the trees swaying the the wind.
You pant with a smile as you look out on the city from the cliff your H/L hair swaying in the cool breeze.

"It feels so nice" You smile before your attention turns at the sound of a wind chime.

You look in the direction of the sound and smile in awe.
There was someone living here!

You walk around the building inspecting it almost as you smile in wonder and awe, it was big two storied a bit messy but still well kept.
However that's not what drew your attention.
What did was resting under the wind chime you had heard.

"How cute" you smile looking down at the zodiac animals in awe.

Each rock looked carefully painted as they sat out to dry, your hand wondered over the dog as you remembered Toruh your little sister.
She was a dog...

"Hello" you jump hearing a voice.

You turn and see a male reading a paper he wore a long Kimono and had black hair as he watched you.

"What a surprise" he says shocked "we don't get a lot of young girls wondering around here" he hums.

"Oh I'm so sorry sir!" You gasp and bow in respect as you look up at him nervously.

"Oh no my dear is fine I just didn't imagine a teenager like yourself would like this place" he smiles.

"Oh well I really do" you smile bending down to look at the rocks "especially these little zodiac figures you have here" you smile.

"Yes there a favourite of mine two" he smiles.

"Except it looks like another set without the
cat" you smile.

"The cat?" He asks then smiles "ah your referring to the old folk tale?" He smiles.

"Yah" you laugh "my mum use to tell it to me over and over again when I was little" you smile.

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