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The school halls were busy as all the students prepared for the annual culture festival.
Everyone was really excited about it and your class was deciding on a stand to run.

"It's decided" Yuki smiles "our class will operate a rice ball stand" he smiles after having wrote the announcement on the black board "does anyone have any ideas on what flavours we should do?" He asks.

"Oh" you smile putting your hand in the air "what if we did try colour rice balls?" You ask "so with every purchase you get three different flavours?" You ask.

The fake laughs of the prince Yuki club girls came from your right as they snicker away.

"Yuki that idea is totally terrible"
"Yah we need to ditch it!"

You sigh as you say Up and Hana walk over there and start terrorising the girls.

You look over at Yuki who seemed to be paying no attention to the fight starting, he seemed so deep in thought as he looked down.

"I say we have rice ball battles!" Kyo says behind you.

"Battles?" One of the boys who hung around Kyo asks.

"Yah brutal one on one death matches winner gets the rice ball!" Kyo demands with a smirk.

"What if we did you buy four rice balls but one of them a a dud" Yuki says "so you pick four flavours without knowing what they are"

Everyone in the class cheers at the idea as chatter starts about the stand.


"Sorry kyon kyon your idea was just to weird"

"Don't call me kyon kyon!" Kyo yells with a glare.

Suddenly the whole class was in awe as cats appeared all over Kyo's body randomly out of the blue.

"What's with all the cats!!?"

"Strange..." Hanajima mutters as Kyo runs out of class angry again.

"They may be related but he's nothing like our prince" Uo says sassily.

You blink as you watch Kyo leave again and frown, Why was everyone doing that?

"I thought I'd find you up here"

Kyo jumps at the sound of your voice as you smile when you find him at his favourite on the school roof.

"You really do like high places" you giggle as you climb up "Hello" you smile as a kitten approaches you.

You pick up the kitten with a smile and place it on your lap while Kyo sits up.

"There adorable, cats really do love you hu?" You giggle as you pet the cats head.

"It's not like I can control it" Kyo huffs "they just show up on their own, this happens with all of our animals" he mumbles looking down.

"Aw at least that way you'll never be lonely" you smile.

"ITS NOT A GOOD THING!" He yells and then huffs his face red "why are you here?" He asks.

"I was worried" you smile "so I came to check on you.." you say worried "don't you wanna help with the festival?" You ask tilting your head.

Kyo looks down at the cat that blinked up at him and meowed before looking away from you.

"You don't need me, everything will be fine as long as Yuki's there" He insists bitterness in his tone.

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