Chapter 4

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I came back to reality as my hands stopped playing and i opened my eyes as a realization hit me. The girl was me, that girl was me but i don't know who that guy was, i had never met him before but how come he was in my memory or if that was even my memory at all. I had never worn a such a dress before non had i ever worn a tiara before. So many thoughts were running through my head but they were interrupted when i heard a knock on the door. I got up and went over to the door to find Helen standing there wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater.

"Helen?" i asked, i wasn't expecting her.

She looked me with a worried expression "Are you okay?" she asked "You are sweating" she continued.

I sighed and opened the door wide to let her in and she went inside and i shut the door and she went to my bed and sat down on it while i stood.

"What are you doing here Helen?" i asked while looking at her.

"I was worried about you so i came here to check up on you to see how you were going"

I went over to my bed and lay down flat "I don't know Helen but something weird is surely going on in my life" i told as i closed my eyes.

"What is that?. Apart from from your parents, i don't know what is going on" she said serious, which was why i loved Helen, she was took me seriously,it was because of my parents, she promised to be a mother of me, i just laughed when she said that to me.

I opened my eyes and sit upright "When did i start drawing him"

"Who?" she asked confused but i continued.

"When did i start acting strangely" i asked again.

"Well, it was two weeks ago when you got up in the hospital after hitting your head" she relied as if she knew what i mean but she was confused.

"It all started two weeks ago when i mistakenly hit my head and passed out and when i woke up, it all began" i said strangely and she looked at me like i had gone crazy, i wished i was crazy because that will explain that was happening to me right now.

"What is going on Gwen?" she asked even more serious.

I got up and went to my closet and took out a painting of the same man that kept appearing in my head. I handed it over to her and she looked at it"It is the same man you were drawing in class today" she stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world that i had fail to notice. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you think of the man" i asked and she looked down at the painting again and looked up at me.

"Well, Judging from the type of clothes he is wearing and how long his hair, it is obvious that he is not from our time. What about him?" she asked.

"I don't know but his image keep appearing in my head and anytime it dose, i feel lonely, sad and depressing, it was like i was missing something big in my life, i felt so incomplete and today in class, i had a memory" i told her because i was sure she will understand my problem.

"Memory?" she asked confused.

"Yes, it was a girl and this man in the painting, i couldn't see her face non his face but i was sure it him. And then i came back to reality and a few minutes ago, i was playing my guitar and i had another memory again. It was a girl with the same hair and eyes as me sitting in the middle of a garden playing a Harp, she looked like a princess and this man appeared. They looked so happy, so in love with each other and then i came back to reality again and i was sweating as you saw a few minutes ago. And the worst part, this girl had the same face as me " i explained everything while she listened.

"Wow!" she said and kept quiet. It was as if she was thinking over everything i said and after a few more minutes when she didn't respond, i gave up hope that she will understand.

"This is stupid!" i bursted out

"Well, from everything you just said,there is only one explanation for this" she said and i had hope again, i knew i could count on Helen.

"What is that?"

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