Chapter 12

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I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was my ceiling. I rolled over happily but I saw a back, I immediately sit up right and saw that it was Helen sleeping beside me. I looked down at my self and I saw that I was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. What happened last night? I couldn't tell for a moment but soon all my memories came rushing back to me and reality hit me, it wasn't a dream, everything was real to the bone. A gasped escaped my lips and it woke Helen up. She groaned and slowly sit up right, her hair was a mess, if it was other times, I had laughed at her but this wasn't the right time. She stared at me sleepy "What's up" scratched her throat.

"Did last night happen" I asked unsure.

"Yeah" she rubbed her eyes " we found out that you have powers, you have blue blood and you heal fast"

"Am I a monster?" I asked scared that I might be something really dangerous.

Helen stared at me, now she was wide awake " No, don't ever say that. You are not a monster, I believe you are special, and you were reborn for a reason and we just have to find out what that reason is"

" I don't know what my life is turning to" I groaned loudly.

" We need to see how many more powers you have before you start blowing off things. I won't be going back home for now. I already told my parents. We take a bath and eat something and we test what and what powers you have other than freezing things. Come on now" she got off the bed and offered me her hand and I took after a laugh and she pulled me out of the bed. At least, I had a very supportivefriend on earth, I couldn't help but wonder where I was from..
We went to the bathroom and took a shower separately. Ms Bess later called and told us that breakfast was ready and we went down stairs and got sitted in the dinning table and breakfast was placed in front of us and we started eating in silent . But I was wondering about something.

"Do you think Tyler and the people in the restaurant are still frozen" I asked.

" No. I told the driver to go check it out. He said everything is normal, nothing unusual" she answered and I sighed.

" But Tyler..... "

She interrupted me " We will deny it. He doesn't have any proof. No now will believe him"
Though she made sense but it still didn't put my mind at ease. We finished our breakfast and went back to my room.

"So, any memory last night" Helen asked me..

"No, I didn't" I told her.

" What are we going to do Gwen" now she was worried and it scared me, if Helen was worried, what was going to happen now.

I sighed "I don't know Helen. I think the only thing to do now is to wait till I get all my memories back. Right now I am so confused, I don't even know where I come from"

" You gaining your memories prove that something big is about to happen in the world you came from. You are needed, maybe that's why you came back"

" Shouldn't everyone be dead by now"

" Just like what you said, we have to wait and see. Time will answer all our questions"

We didn't say anything more. We went to my music room and spend the rest of the day there.

Monday came really quickly and we found ourselves back in school. Through out the weekend, Helen and I couldn't find out any more power other than freezing stuffs, I didn't even get any more memory and Helen got scared that they might have stopped or everyone was a lie. I didn't want Tristan to be a lie, I didn't want my happy family to be a lie. I just didn't want my memories to stop.

"So, anything" Helen asked as we entered the school blinding with other students.

"No" I answered and she turned sadly, I put a arm around her shoulder and gave her comforting smile which she returned and we went to our lockers that were beside each other when we got there, we saw James waiting for us or me. Oh boy!

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