Chapter 5

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"What is that?" i asked again when she didn't sat anything.

"I think you were Reincarnated" she said while looking at me  and i jumped up on my feet, it was not what i was expecting but we all know life is unfair.

"What?! that is ridiculous!" i said. I was what?

"It is the only way to explain everything you just said. You are having these memories because they are your passed life. I have been with you throughout your life and i have never seen this man before" she continued.

"But that does not mean that i was reborn" this was not right.

"You are seeing this man here because he was your past lover and you feel sad because you are missing him or he is a very big part of your life"

"This is crazy!"

"I have read about these things, how people get reincarnated, either with the same face or not, with or without memories. I have also read about how people get back their lost memories after hitting your head really hard. You had a pasted life Guinevere!"

"It makes sense a little but that still does not prove anything" it was very hard to believe that i was reborn.

She sighed "Alright. We will write down every memory that you will have from now on" she suggested.

"And what if i don't have  another memory after today" I said and she smiled knowingly.

" I think you will princess" she teased me "Wow! I can't believe my best friend had a pasted life somewhere"

"I did not have a past life" I didn't believe it

" There is nothing wrong about having a pasted life. You might have came back because you didn't get to finish something very important" she said and I raised an eyebrow at her.

" And what is that?"

" I don't know, only guessing but you were a princess, isn't that great, a real princess! " She was taking this too well.

" Why are you taking this well more than I am?" I asked

" Because..." She got up and came over me and put a arm around my shoulder with a smile on her face. "I don't know" she said and we both giggled, she always made me laugh even in the most serious times.

We both turned when we heard the door opened to find Nanny who smiled at us "Dinner is ready girls" she told us and left.

I turned to Helen "I hope you are stay for dinner Helen"

"Of course I am"  she grabbed my hand dragged me with her out the door and we ran down the stairs laughing.

Later when Helen had left, I went back to my room and think about everything Helen said. Could it be true that I was reborn, I was reincarnated? Dose this kind of thing even happen in this life. I was going crazy and Helen was encouraging it. It could be that Helen was wrong and I was a normal human being. I hope that she was wrong.

The next day, my driver parked the car in the school parking lot and I got down with my guitar case on my shoulder and I went into the school blinding. I went straight to my locker to find Helen waiting for me with her bag pack on her shoulders.

"What are you doing here so early? You never come to school early" I said to her as I got to here my locker was.

She frowned "That is not true. But anyway, I wanted to know if you had any more memories last night" she was excited and I wondered why.

I rolled my eyes "Go around saying that and people will think you have gone crazy"

"Who cares what they think? Because I don't. So, did you?" She pressed on.

I sighed as I opened my locker " I hate to admit but I had two memories last night" I took out my note book that I needed.

" Yes!" She jumped up happily and I looked at her weirdly, she was going crazy over this while I was frustrated. "I Knew it! Which was why I bought a ....." She opened her bag and took out a purple note book, I rolled my eyes "....a book to record every memory you will have. I have already written down what you told me last night. Now tell me, what happened in your dream?" She asked.

" I died"    

AndrianaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя