Chapter 21

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"It froze?" I asked shocked of the news I just heard.

"Something like that" Eve nodded her head. " But, a seer told a prophecy that only the rightful heir will be able to sit on it and we had a little hope that you might return but no see could foresee if you would return or not and our little hope came crashing down. But, after thousands of years, we had a sign... " She stopped.

" What sign? " Helen asked, we could hear the eagerness in her voice.

Emery continued "A very loud thunder was heard on a sunny day and an image of you appeared in the sky for everyone to see"

" Tristan went mad searching every kingdom but he couldn't find you and he gave up hope, not only him but everyone. Emerson and I thought of checking out the human world and we were able to find your sent, that was how we got here" Evelyn continued from where her twin stopped.

"What about your sister, her mother and the king" Helen asked.

" Here comes the bad part!" Eve said and I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

When was this going to end, I was getting tired of hearing nothing but bad news but if I wanted to help them, I would have to listen.

"The whole kingdom of Elvaria is in chaos. The colors of the kingdom all suddenly disappeared, the kingdom is covered in darkness"

Okay, now, that was bad.

" The king was over threw by Xylia and her mother. Though, she could not sit on the throne, she had the seal of authority that everyone in the kingdom bows to" Emrys continued.

" Father was over thrown?" I asked shocked.

" Yeah" Eve answered while rolling her eyes. " From what I heard, he is locked up in his own special room where he is being totured. He deserves it after what he did to mother" she added bitterly.

The bell finally rang for end of class and the teacher told up to submit our work but ours were bearly touched.

"What are we going to do?" Helen asked worried and I rolled my eyes, my problem was far bigger than school work at the moment.

This was not my world, I did not belong here.

"Relax" I heard Evelyn said as she snapped her hand and the book on our midst disappeared and Helen jumped a bit at the display of magic in front of her.

"Where did it go?" She asked.

"It has been submitted" Evelyn relied with a smirk.

" Handy!" Helen exclaimed.

"All the time!" Eve relied as we picked up our stuffs and left the class and we started heading for our next class.

But as we walked, I couldn't help but wonder about one single problem.

"Did Tristan and I have a child?" I suddenly voiced out.

Evelyn suddenly shook her head. " The cry of an innocent child shall forever cry in the ear of those who killed it" she quoted and I suddenly stopped on my tracks as a realization hit me.

The child died...!

The others also stopped as well as they turned to me and I could see the concern look on their faces.

"My child died?" I asked as I felt a very sharp pain went through me and my heart pond inside like it wanted to pop out of my chest.

"Are you okay?" I heard Helen asked.

"Yeah" I relied as the pain subsided a little. And I turned to Evelyn and Emerson, waiting for them to answer my question.

"You were pregnant, the child inside your womb was also posioned to death" Emerson answered.

" What did you do to the bastard that did all of this?" Helen asked shocked.

" She and her family were locked up for three hundred years and when Tristan finally came out from his Chambers... He burned her and her family together" Eve said and a gasp escaped my lips.

" He did what?" I asked. Now I know why they said he had became wicked, the Tristan I knew was compassionate and loving but...I guess, it was revenge for what she did to his wife and child. "May... Maybe she was sent by someone, he could have investigated"

" Yeah" Eve answered. " She was indeed sent by someone" she added.

" Who?" Helen asked.

" Xylia"

Of course, what was I expecting, the witch would never stop, all she wanted was to destroy my life and that of my family.

"Before she came to palace, she and her mother practised dark magic which is a sacrilege in the seven kingdoms. She and the maid worked together" I was told and we started moving again when we saw that we were starting to gain unwanted attention from other students.

"Did she get what she wanted?" Helen asked referring to Xylia.

"Not exactly" Emrys relied.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I bet she was rejoicing after I was gone.

"She became a queen without a throne, she became or already was wicked, ruthless and heartless by turning the people into slaves" he explained further.

" Dark require blood of children, she began killing anyone who refused her. The people became terrified and they cried for Princess Andriana, the same person they betrayed to save them but they had already killed her long ago. The people started to escape to the other kingdoms but Xylia dethroned five kings remaining Azazel, the same kingdom Tristan rule as kingdom, he was a very powerful king with powerful magic. He helped those he can but very season, the kingdom is attacked by Xylia but Tristan refused to surrender to her" Evelyn explained more.

" He is so brave" Helen said with admiration but she turned serious. "But, can no one stop her?" She asked and I knew the answer.

I was the only one who could stop her which was why she had to get rid of me first before doing anything else.

"Well," Evelyn started. "The only one who can stop her is Guinevere, the only one with blue blood in the whole seven kingdoms"

" Ah!" Helen snapped and we were a little taken back by her sudden out burst. "I knew there was something special about her" she giggled and I rolled my eyes, Helen was also a big drama queen.

"Guinevere is very powerful. She has the power to end the world with a snap of her hand" Evelyn told Helen as if I was not there with them which made me roll my eyes, something I had been doing quite a lot.

" Wow!" Helen commented

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