VIII - The Spy

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Although no one at the conclave noticed, there was a man full of greediness attending that meeting. He was there with the purpose of digging up all information about all the present wizards, in order to figure out the best way to defeat them. That man was Klaus, the wizard that secretly worked for the inquisitors.

He had joined the persecutors of his race many years ago. His goal was to become the only bearer of all magical forces. He had always been an ambitious being with an intense thirst for power. For this reason, he knew how to switch to the sides that were convenient to him. He knew, for example, that sooner or later the Inquisition would turn against him. However, he had a few tricks up his sleeve in case he needed to strike back.

Meanwhile, he let everybody take him for a sweet serpent with no venom... Up to the moment he would show his fangs and attack.

For an instant, he thought about all the atrocities he had committed against people in the name of mysticism, let alone the benefits he had reaped out from mass hysteria as a result from what the propaganda against witchery caused in the population. Klaus felt immense pleasure out of all that suffering; he fed from injustice as if it were honey.

He was able to easily go back and forth from the world of Humankind to the world of magic. He was the perfect traitor, a double agent. He profited from it dearly, in addition to the opportunities that knocked on his door due to the exchange of confidential information with the inquisitors, which he had easy access to.

Klaus was always paid with lands for the dirty works he was hired for. But if he helped in the execution of someone, he would receive part of the victim's properties. He was becoming richer by the hour, and he never stopped wanting more and more.

Thus, while the others were talking about the threat the Witch Hunt represented, he thought of the wicked things he was doing along with the persecutors. He remembered, for example, the merchant couple that he accused of witchery with the sole purpose of putting his hands on their loot. It had happened during the previous winter in Florence.

A widow named Constanza had married again, this time with a rich merchant. His name was Alonzo, and he owned a store in town.

Klaus went to the bank to deposit the payment he had received from the inquisitors for his filthy services, when he saw the merchant withdrawing a great sum of money for the sale of one of his properties. Alonzo was going to have had that money invested in his business, but the warlock decided to approach him right after they had left the banking house. Since he was a double agent, Klaus hid his magical identity whenever he was among ordinary humans, for he didn't want to be accused of witchcraft. Most people knew him as a friend of the inquisitors, which made him a man to be feared. On the other hand, every time Klaus met his fellows from the magic world, he would assume his original identity. He approached the merchant and said:

"Alonzo, I can see that you're living a good life... And business is prospering... But beware of the Inquisition, for they are constantly watching those who are prospering during such dark times. You should be cautious in order to avoid indictment. It's greatly recommended to have good friends and to please them if you want to survive in this world. I could be your friend and you could benefit from it by having my protection."

His insinuations made the merchant noticeably irritated.

"Klaus, I don't want to have any business with the inquisitors or their friends, and this includes you. All my life I have worked hard to have the things that I have now, and I'd rather keep things that way."

"Watch out, Alonzo. You must know already that I work for the inquisitors, denouncing those citizens who practice witchery. Having said that, I want you to sign a document that transfers to my name all your family's estates. After that, we shall go to the registry office to have it legitimated."

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