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"min min.. I hate being sick. this sucks. why cant I just be like, immortal and never get sick??" jisung asked me in all seriousness. I look at him and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"were not all lucky. also I think immortal people get sick too.. im not quite sure honestly. I hope you feel better love."

the younger sighs and leans into my chest more. we were currently watching spider man and jisung kept fan boying when tom Holland came on screen.

"honesly.. he is so beautiful, like look at him. im not into american dudes that much, but he is, just wow." jisung kept complementing the british man, I honestly couldn't help but get extremely jealous.

"hum. I cant believe you would call another man prettier then me. im honestly hurt, and I think the only thing that will make up for it is.. hmm a kiss!" I smirk widely knowing jisung would feel bad.

"well, minho honey.. be a little more pretty."

I couldnt believe what he just sad. that hurt my feeling to the max. I get off the bed and grab his pillows. "you've got this coming pretty boy."

I slam the pillow into his face expecting a reaction. instead he just sits there. I stared to feel bad and quietly remove the pillow from his face.

"im.. im sorry my love"

I wasn't expecting what he did next, but he grabbed his pillow and slammed it against my face.

letting out the most dramatic gasp I could, we go back and forth hitting each other with the pillows. his giggle was the cutest thing ive ever heard, and he just kept giggling. I smiled widely and dropped my pillow and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I think you are the cutest baby ever, you know that right?" I heard the younger giggle again and that just brought joy yo my heart.

we were rudely interrupted by my phone ringing. I look over and pick it up off the floor. I look at who was calling and it was hyunjin.

"yes, why do you call."

"jeonginnie.. hes crying he said he wants his minnie hyung. which kinda hurt me, cause when ever hes sad, he wants you and not me.." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"ahh,, hyungjin-ah.. its just because I knew him longer, is he with you right now?"

"mhm.. he wants to talk to you too."

"alright. give him the phone please."

as all this was happening, jisung was just playing with my fingers. I look down at him and smiled widely.


"whats wrong baby.."

I felt jisung stop playing with my hands and then continued after a second.

"I-I-I I just m-iss you. I-I know this is stupid t-to cry over. b-but I feel like I-ive been replaced. we haven't h-hung out in a while. t-today was supposed to b-be my d-day. -but you went with you friend instead. I-im just hurt." his cries broke my heart. I never wanted to make innie think that I didn't want to spend time with him.

"im.. im so sorry my love. I love you so much baby, you know this. tomorrow I will see you and spend all day with you. we can do whatever you want and I will love you up. ok my baby."

I hear the younger giggle on the other side, making my giggle as well.

"ok, im so sorry hyungie, love you. see you tomorrow."

"alright innie, also give hyungjinnie a big hug for me and tell him how important he is to you. hes feeling kinda down right now."


before I could say bye, he ended the call.

"what was that about."

I jump a little forgetting jisung was still next to me the whole time, which made me feel so bad.

"just jeongin, being a little sad, I promised him id hang out with him tomorrow."

"do you call everyone 'love' and 'baby'"

"its.. its kinda a habit with my friends yes, why... do you not want me to call anyone that?"

he stood silent, and that was the clarification I needed to know that he didn't want me to call anyone that.

"I don't call anyone my boyfriend, would you like to be called that."

cheesecake and coffee | minsung Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt