『②』| cold

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everyone ended up getting back to the dorms pretty late. they all walked inside enjoying the warmth and places to finally rest.

todoroki sat down on the couch and took off his scarf and mittens. all the other students went up to their rooms to change and sleep.

bakugo grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and downed it as he sat down on the couch across from todoroki.

bakugo immediately regretted this decision as it seemed they were now the only people downstairs. todoroki stared at the ground in siilence and bakugo was slowly dying inside.

todoroki suddenly let out a sneeze and a cough shortly after that. bakugo eyed him, "did you get sick already? jeez.." he groaned, leaning back on the couch.

todoroki shook his head. "i'm probably just getting used to the..um temperature change or something.." he explained, getting up to go to the kitchen.

"is that even a thing?" bakugo questioned, scoffing slightly after. his attention turned to todoroki when he heard a quiet thud.

todoroki collapse on the ground and sat on his knees. he held onto the counter with one hand and he rubbed his head with the other.

without thinking bakugo ran over to todoroki and helped him up. "are you okay? can you stand up?"

todoroki nodded and managed to stand up, still having to hold onto bakugo.

as bakugo started to lead up the stairs, todoroki realized how worried bakugo sounded when he came over to help.

he thought bakugo would just laugh at him and leave him to die - not actually like, help him.

bakugo practically carried todoroki to his own room and set him down on the bed.

todoroki was the one who felt awkward today. i mean, wouldn't you be if you were alone in a room with bakugo? he could attack at any moment. it was terrifying.

bakugo got a cold rag and placed it on todoroki's forehead, todoroki closed his eyes slightly. "thank you.." he managed to speak.

bakugo felt his face heat up and he nodded. bakugo sat down next to the bed as todoroki rested and he hugged his knees to his chest.

he turned his head to look at todoroki, he felt at ease seeing todoroki sleeping peacefully.

he felt the need to..protect him. to be there for him. when he isn't with todoroki, he feels so..cold.


uraraka yawned and clumsily walked down the stairs to get some water from the kitchen.

she looked around and wasn't surprised to see that no one was down there. it was only 9 pm, but everyone kinda wore themselves out at the little field trip they had.

uraraka got a glass cup and poured herself some water. she thought about the trip a little bit, but specifically about something she had seen.

uraraka walked alongside mina with almost five shopping bags in their hands. hey, you can't blame them for having fun! mina led uraraka to another shop, but something in the corner of uraraka's eye caught her attention. mina went off without her without knowing and uraraka watched something from behind a tree.
what was she looking at, you may ask?
todoroki and bakugo, you idiot. this is what the book's about. anyways.
it may seem odd she was watching them, but, she definitely had a reason to!
something about how they were just, casually talking to each other on the bridge and not having completely destroyed the shopping district with ice and explosions amazed her.
she noticed how bakugo kinda stared and todoroki when he wasn't looking, and how his cheeks would turn red..every time todoroki even just..looked at himoH MY GOD-

uraraka spat out her drink and SMASHED the glass on the counter. "holy crap holy crap holy crap!" she repeatedly said as she got her phone out of her pocket.

she fumbled it around in her hands but managed to hold it correctly after a while. she logged into the 'girls group chat' and texted,


Alien_Ripoff: omg who is it

kermit_de_frog: 😱😱


JiroTheQueero: tf y'all woke me up
JiroTheQueero: o shite a code red? lmao it's totally todoroki and midoriya

MomoTheHomo: .-.

Uravity: NOPE IT ISN'T

Alien_Ripoff: jUST TELL USSS


JiroTheQueero: honey i think you need to calm down

kermit_de_frog: calm ur tits

JiroTheQueero: lol nice
JiroTheQueero: tits

Uravity: OKAY READY?

Alien_Ripoff: YES

MomoTheHomo: No

JiroTheQueero: æ

kermit_de_frog: ok

Alien_Ripoff: i hate you all



'『②』| cold '

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