『③』| lost

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ah, what an eventful night that was. uraraka figured out the obvious, todoroki got sick, and bakugo is apparently an actual decent person.

speaking of bakugo,

bakugo slowly opened his eyes and yawned. it was sunday but it felt like monday for some odd reason. it was probably because he was exhausted last night, and todoroki getting sick and all.

wait, todoroki

bakugo almost froze and looked down, only to see the one and only canadian flag snuggled up against his chest and in his arms.

bakugo's face went red. i mean, just- completely red. if yesterday was that horrible then i don't even know what to call this spicy situation.

bakugo..didn't really know what to do. he just laid there, trying not to wake todoroki up by moving too much.

he slowly got more comfortable and wrapped his arm around todoroki's waist, accidentally lifting his shirt up a bit.

bakugo kinda just stared at todoroki with a face as red as a tomato. honestly, he could sleep like this forever -

with todoroki wrapped in his arms..ah, what a nice fantasy. but of course, he would never admit that.

bakugo's thoughts were interrupted by a slightly movement next to him.

oh, shit

todoroki yawned and looked up. he stared blankly for a moment and then it hit him. his face turned as red - maybe EVEN REDDER - than bakugo's face and his eyes widened.



uraraka, mina, jiro and momo gathered on the couch near the girls' side of the dorm.

uraraka sat there, still in shock from last night. she put her hands on her cheeks and shook her head. "i still can't believe it, it feels like i'm dreaming!!" she exclaimed, momo shrugged.

"have you seen how they've been interacting lately? it was quite obvious if you looked close enough.."

jiro crossed her arms, "oh yeah? have you been, like, stalking them or something?" she smirked.

momo smirked as well. "i have my sources."

mina put her hands on her knees and leaned forward. "okay, okay - enough talk! how are we gonna handle this situation?! this is by far the hardest code red we've had."

they all nodded in agreement by that last sentence.

uraraka sighed. "none of us know todoroki or bakugo that well. if anything, i think momo should handle todoroki and mina can handle bakugo. me and jiro will work on a plan and get into the details." her eyes shined with excitement and determination.

they all smiled, "yeah!" after their little discussion, iida walked over and started to do random gestures with his hands - ah, typical iida.

"lunch has been prepared!" he announced, the four girls nodded and went to eat.

suddenly, everyone's heads turned when they heard a door slam open. surprise surprise, it was bakugo's door.

todoroki came running out of it and he slammed it shut, hoping bakugo wouldn't try and come after him or something.

todoroki sat on the floor hoping nobody saw him. and to his luck, they didn't see him! except a certain pink haired girl..

she leaned over to uraraka. "d-did you see that?" she asked.

uraraka took a bite of her rice and nodded. "yeah..? it's just bakugo being grumpy as usual, hehe." she giggled.

mina shook uraraka's shoulders rapidly. "nonononono- THAT- that wasn't bakugo.."

uraraka dropped her chopsticks, mina catching her attention. "wh..?"

mina looked into her eyes with pure shock, but also a hint of happiness.

"THAT, was todoroki..!!!!"


bakugo laid on his bed and thought hard about his sad, sad, sad, very sad, life.

he put his hand over his face and groaned. "godammit..why the fuck did i even help that icy hot bastard.." he mumbled out loud, his face heating up just thinking about it.

he moved his hand off from his face slightly and stared at his ceiling.

"i feel so- so fucking..lost.."


todoroki stood in the kitchen sipping on some water every few minutes.

he looked emotionless. like, drained. he just stared at the ground sipping on a 'ol cup of joe. except, it was water. not coffee. you get my point..

uraraka and jiro stared creepily at todoroki. jiro leaned over, "something definitely happened..you think they like, y'know.." jiro winked.

uraraka's face turned red and she hit jiro playfilly. "we're not here to discuss that! that's mina and momo's job! anyways, he looks too..dead inside, to like, have had..y'know- with bakugo!"

jiro nodded, "i see what you're saying. maybe they just accidentally fell asleep together. or maybe bakugo rejected him, or he rejected bakugo.." she sipped on her soda.

"goddamn, this is spicy!!" she exclaimed, uraraka shushed her, looking to see if todoroki heard them. he didn't. he just looked like a corpse by now.

jiro pulled out her phone,

JiroTheQueero: yo, you guys got the plan set out? also did u talk to kirishima and kami tsu?

Alien_Ripoff: momo is all set, i'm getting aoyama to help me out with bakuhoe uwu

MomoTheHomo: I can't believe you trust Aoyama more than me, Mina ;-;'

kermit_de_frog: 😇👍

JiroTheQueero: okay guys, it all starts tomorrow at school
JiroTheQueero: get ur arses ready!!

MomoTheHomo: Language.

'『③』|  lost  '

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