Simmer, Baby!

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Life is simple, right? Isn't it supposed to be? Why is this trig test so fucking hard?

"Miss Lantus," Mr. Gleason began and I let out an audible sigh. "Do you have a question regarding the test?"

Might as well since I groaned like a wild beast and everyone was looking at me already.

"Actually, yes." I said giving my best confused face as I look down at the last four problems.

"What is it?" He asked coming up to my desk and kneeled down to see the paper.

His cologne wafted lightly around me. It always brings me comfort.

"This is the one." I pointed at the problem and watched his long fingers trace each sentence as he read it.

"You've done this before." He shook his head in disbelief.

"For some reason I don't understand it." I shook my head exasperated.

"None of us do!" Dino Williams yelled from the back of the classroom.

"That's detention again, Mr.Williams." Mr. Gleason said to him from his position making the announcement too loud for my early morning ears.

"C'mon, Mr.Gleason!" Dino whined. "I already have detention!" His group of friends snickered next him.

"Then you can have my detention tomorrow." Mr. Gleason smirked and Dino whined again as his friends snickered louder. "Get back to work boys but if you need help I'll be right over!" He sighed rubbing his face. "Sorry." He apologized to me as the class quiets down. "Look," He pointed to the keyword I was looking for. "You got this, Alicia." He smiles at me and the problem in front of me becomes clear.

I can feel him watching me as I finish the problem and show him my work.

"You see?" He shrugs and gets up and I smile in thanks but continue my test.

I don't hate math. I hate having to do it.

I finished my test and he shook his head impressed as he took it from the wire basket on his desk.

"Good job, Miss Lantus." He smiles at me and I felt my insides stir. "Have a good day!" He said as he waved me out of the room and I felt the weight lift off my shoulders.

"Thank you!" I said as I walked out.

When I heard the click of the door closing I almost swooned.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself in the quiet hallway as I went to the bathroom.

Okay, Mr.Gleason is the hottest teacher ever! His cologne lingers after you leave his class.

Every girl in this damned school has a crush on the man but he was happily mated to the coolest art teacher and it was the talk of our little werewolf community.

Last year, before the school year began we had a transfer from a different pack who was recruited to teach in the area because of the influx of students.

Tall, dark brown curly hair that sometimes hung over his brow, tanned skin, and crystal clear green eyes that looked through the soul. The man had a body that could make any teenage girl break a sweat! It didn't take long for him to find his mate.

Miss Clara, our art teacher and head of the art department is one of those people you meet that you can't help but like. She always has her naturally red hair down to show off the knee-length, her body type would be better described as curvy. The woman was proud of her curves and dressed refreshingly casual yet professional.

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