Chapter Three - A New Ally

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After being awakened by Cyclonis, the Storm Hawks explore the city. Piper was in awe.

Piper: So much has changed.....

Finn: I doubt the humans changed one bit!

Aerrow: Calm yourself Finn.

Finn: Why are we still sticking out necks for these humans after everything they've done to us! What they did to Suzy Lu!

Aerrow simply remained silent at Finn's words. Despite disagreeing with him, Aerrow understood how Finn felt. Radarr chirps to Aerrow.

Aerrow: Finn is grieving. I understand why he feels what he feels. Give him time.

As the Storm Hawks glided through the city, Detective Starling was conducting her investigation on the Raptor Gang led by Repton. In a dark alleyway, she set up a crime scene for an independent contractor.

Starling: Damn....he must've been dead for hours. Damn you Repton.

As Starling investigated the body, a group of Raptor gang members began crowding around her.

Raptor Lieutenant: Hey there luv! What brings you to Raptor territory?

Starling: Detective Starling! APD! You're interfering with police work!

As Starling showed her badge, the Raptors simply laughed and chuckled.

Raptor Lieutenant: Well would you look at that boys! A big bad detective from the Atmos Police Department!

Starling: Save it scumbag! I know you're boss is working for Lark Cyclonis! So why don't you be good boys and tell me what I want to know and maybe I won't haul your sorry asses to a holding cell!

That bold statement simply made the Raptors laugh. They started brandishing weapons like crowbars and lead pipes.

Raptor Lieutenant: Why don't you you be a nice girl and head on home! Wouldn't want to mess up that pretty face of yours! 

As the Raptors began to crowd around her, Starling pulled out her gun and aimed it at the Raptors. The Raptors stop in their tracks as the Raptor Lieutenant laughs.

Raptor Lieutenant: Look at this boys! Kitty's got claws! 

As the Raptor Lieutenant got close to Starling, she fires a warning shot in the air. 

Starling: Move closer and I'll put one in your leg! 

The Raptors continue to crowd around her. Before Starling could pull the trigger, one of the Raptors knocks the gun out of her hand. Starling retaliates by kicking one of the Raptors in the face, knocking him out. 

Starling: Who wants some?! 

Despite taking down a few Raptors, Starling soon became overwhelmed by the numbers as they begin to beat her down. The Raptor Lieutenant then grabs her. 

Raptor Lieutenant: Now let's have some fun!

Before the Raptor Lieutenant force himself on her, a loud roar was heard. This forces the Raptor Lieutenant to let go of Starling. 

Raptor Lieutenant: What was that?!

Suddenly, the Storm Hawks descend on the alleyway. The sight of the Gargoyles completely catches everyone off guard.

Raptor Thug: What the fuck are those things?! 

Raptor Lieutenant: Who cares?! Kill them! 

The Storm Hawks begin swiftly taking down the Raptors. Starling is stunned upon seeing the Gargoyles taking down the Raptors. She had no idea what was going on. When the last of the Raptors are taken down, Junko walks over to Starling.

Junko: Are you okay?!

Starling: I....I....

Stork: I think it's suffice it to say that she' a state of shock. 

Aerrow: It is all right. We are not here to hurt you. 

Starling: Who are you? What are you? Do you work for Cyclonis?

Finn: Cyclonis?!

Upon hearing that, the Storm Hawks became curious. Ever since they were awakened, they had been wary of Cyclonis and her intentions. Aerrow took the opportunity to question Starling.

Aerrow: What do you know of Lark Cyclonis?

Starling: She runs a multi-billion dollar corporation that specializes in weapon manufacturing and military technology. Cyclonis runs her company with an iron fist and has influence in everything from politics to business. 

Finn: So she's not to be trusted? What a surprise......

Hearing Starling's words confirmed their suspicions that Cyclonis was not to be trusted. 

Starling: Not to mention that people who try and oppose Cyclonis end up missing or worse. She's got an army of thugs at her disposal. 

Aerrow: I see....

But as Starling was about to continue questioning the Gargoyles, Stork looked to the sky and saw the sun slowly coming up. 

Stork: Guys! The sun is coming! 

Aerrow: Damn....Storm Hawks! We must find refuge!

Starling: Wait a minute! I'm not done questioning you!

Aerrow: There is no time. We'll have to continue this discussion another time. 

Starling wanted to continue speaking to the Gargoyles to get any information. Aerrow pointed to an abandoned apartment complex. 

Aerrow: Stay safe. If you wish to continue this discussion, then meet us in that building tomorrow night. 

Starling: Got it. 

As Starling nodded, the Storm Hawks glided away from the alleyway and made it to the abandoned apartment complex. When the sun rose, the Gargoyles became stone. Meanwhile as Cyclonis prepared for the press conference, Ulric enters the room.

Cyclonis: What is it Mr. Ulric?

Ulric: It appears that another Gargoyle statue was found a few miles of the castle. I've taken the liberty of having it sent here. 

Cyclonis: Interesting. 

Ulric: And I've just received word that a group of Raptors were found beaten in an alleyway. One of them claimed to have seen....monsters. 

Upon hearing this, Cyclonis immediately realizes that this attack was the work of the Storm Hawks. 

Cyclonis: We'll worry about that later. For now, we have a press conference to attend to.

After that, Ulric sees to the preparations of the press conference. While Cyclonis prepares herself, she becomes interested at what had happened between the Raptors and the Storm Hawks. 

Storm Hawks Volume I: Defenders Of The Night (Gargoyle AU)Where stories live. Discover now