Chapter Nine - Dark Ace

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In the waning hours of the day, Lark Cyclonis and Ulric met at the rooftop of the castle where they had awakened the Storm Hawk Clan. In front of them was the statue of the Gargoyle. This statue appeared to be larger than Aerrow. 

Ulric: Are you sure you wish to continue, Miss Cyclonis? We don't know if this Gargoyle will remain loyal. 

Cyclonis: If the stories I read are true, then this particular Gargoyle will be of no problem to control. 

Soon, the Sun went down and the statue began to crack and crumble. When night fell, the statue shattered and a large Gargoyle emerged from the rubble. He was a gray Gargoyle with red and black designs. He looked around and saw Cyclonis and Ulric.

Gargoyle: Humans....who is responsible for awakening me?

Cyclonis: I am. Lark Cyclonis, head of Cyclonia Enterprises. A pleasure to meet you, Dark Ace.

Upon hearing his name being called out, Dark Ace slowly approached Cyclonis. He towered over her. Despite this, Cyclonis showed no fear.

Dark Ace: If you know my name, then you know my disdain of your kind.

Cyclonis: I am aware.

Dark Ace: What's stopping me from killing you two where you stand?

Cyclonis: Because we have a common enemy.

Cyclonis then showed the Gargoyle photos of Aerrow and the rest of the Storm Hawk Clan. Upon seeing this, Dark Ace became interested.

Dark Ace: So Aerrow and his band of fools are still alive? Pitiful.

Ulric: As Ms Cyclonis has said, we have a common enemy.

Dark Ace: Do not mistake me, human. Your meaningless squabble is nothing compared to my vendetta.

Cyclonis: These Gargoyles have proven to be......a nuisance. I want them taken care of.

Upon hearing this, Dark Ace chuckled. The thought of a human giving him commands was laughable.

Dark Ace: Do you think you command me? I could crush you like an ant.

Cyclonis quickly realized her predicament. Unlike the Storm Hawks, Dark Ace would not hesitate to kill her. Despite this, Cyclonis remained unfazed.

Cyclonis: Because I can offer you limitless resources. Wealth. Power. Revenge. I can offer all that and more. Whatever power you have is nothing compared to mine. While you may be physically more powerful than me, I however have the world in my hands. If you so much as lay a finger on me, there would be no hiding for you. Remember, all we would have to do is wait until you turn to stone and we would destroy you.

As Cyclonis laid out her threat to the Gargoyle, Dark Ace chuckled.

Dark Ace: How bold of you, human. If you are so confident, why awaken me?

Cyclonis: Because these Gargoyles have proven to be quite tricky. They are a nuisance, but they are a bothersome nuisance. I do not know how they think. No amount of knowledge will give me that. But you know them. You are one of them. Who better to wage war against an enemy than someone who knows this enemy inside and out. 

As Cyclonis said this, Dark Ace became more and more impressed. He didn't think a human would be able to command such authority over a creature physically superior to her. That level of authority deeply impressed him. 

Dark Ace: Most impressive, human. I didn't think your kind was capable of commanding such authority. I've seen incompetent kings and foolish lords. Never in my lifetime have I seen someone like you. 

Cyclonis: Work with me and the rewards for your services will be endless. 

Dark Ace took a moment to think of Cyclonis's offer. While he had no need for wealth, the opportunity to find and destroy the Storm Hawk Clan was more than enough. 

Dark Ace: Very well then, Lark Cyclonis. I will help you with your....Gargoyle problem. 

Cyclonis: I am happy that we have reached an agreement, Dark Ace. 

Dark Ace then looked to the city before him. The view of the city was nothing that he had ever seen before. The lights that illuminated the city were unreal. But his concerned were not of the city itself, but for Aerrow and the Storm Hawk Clan. 

Cyclonis: My forces are patrolling the streets for the Gargoyles. 

Dark Ace: They won't find them. Leave them to me. 

Dark Ace then jumped off the rooftop and began gliding through the skies. Meanwhile, Ulric voiced his concern to Cyclonis. 

Ulric: I have a bad feeling about this, Ms Cyclonis. We can't trust him. 

Cyclonis: I know. But his desire to destroy the Storm Hawks will keep him in line for now. For now, our goals align. 

Ulric: And when they don't?

Cyclonis: Once the Storm Hawks are dealt with, then Dark Ace will be dealt with as well.

Ulric: Understood, Ms Cyclonis. 

As Ulric said this, he received a call on his cell phone. After a brief call, he hangs up the phone. 

Ulric: That was the secretary. Detective Starling is here for her appointment. 

Upon hearing this. Cyclonis showed no visible reaction. Since Repton's failed assassination attempt had complicated things for her. 

Cyclonis: Send her in. I believe we have much to discuss. 

In that moment, Cyclonis and Ulric left the rooftop and made their way to Cyclonis's office where they would meet Detective Starling. In the meantime, the newly awakened Dark Ace would scour through the city to find the Storm Hawk Clan. His hunt had begun. 

Storm Hawks Volume I: Defenders Of The Night (Gargoyle AU)Where stories live. Discover now