Part 5: Accidents and Chances

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Junho -one of the baristas- prepared the drinks for the guys and after that I helped Jade to take the drinks to them. As I was handing out smoothies to the Hyungs of Got7 Jackson startled me with a question "So Gee, I heard you're a fan of Got7." with a smirk on his gorgeous face. "And that I'm your bias" Mark added. Jade interrupted "actually it's the three of you" she said while pointing at Jackson, Mark and Jaebeom. Oh I'm going to kill her. Jackson grinned like a baby and Jaebeom tilted his head smirking "Ah jinjja?" I nodded shyly and taking my gaze away from him and for that reason I bumped into Jeogin while he was walking with his hot drink in his hand wanting to change seats and caused him to spill his drink all over my arm. I hissed at the pain then heard Chnagbin yelling at him "Jeogin-aaahhh watch where you're going! She might get a scar because of your clumsiness" I saw that cute baby's apologetic look the look of guilt, and confusion on that poor boy's face and I waved my other hand in reassurance that it was my mistake. "Ani, ani.. it's my fault I wasn't looki-" before I could complete my sentence I was dragged away from the group.

I looked at who's dragging me all the way behind the counter to the sink to wash the now sticky sweetened tea off of my arm. It was Jaebeom. I felt my heart dropping and I kept my gaze fixed at him as he kept moving in silence. I hissed when the cold water touched my burning skin and bit the fist of my other hand to prevent my screams from escaping. Instead, groans were all poor Jaebeom could hear. All of a sudden I felt a pair of hands rubbing both my shoulders to comfort me, I jumped in place and I tried to calm my racing heart as I heard Mark's voice comforting me saying "it's okay Gee it'll be okay." And rested his head on mine. Which felt odd. Surrounded like that by them.

I cleared my throat and tilted my head a bit to signal to Mark that I wasn't comfortable with his head on mine. And he got the signal, moved his head but his are still caressing my shoulders.
Don't get me wrong, I am fan, a big one but I was never big on unnecessary touches. Even with Jade, I didn't like it when she hugged me for a long time, I don't know I'm a weirdo.

Anyway, Jade came running towards us with an aid kit from the staff room and handed it to JB. He kept a strong grip on my wrist as he applied the ointment as if he knew that it would hurt like a bitch and I would try to pull my arm away. "Is she okay? Do we need to take her to the hospital?" Mark asked JB while glancing towards my face then down to my arm. "No it's okay as long as she takes good care of herself and change the bandage twice a day she'll be fine." Jaebeom said. "Hear that clumsy girl? You should be fine." As he ruffled my hair. I pouted and my heart stung for some reason as I looked over at the other boys, my eyes searching for Chan and found him looking at me with a blank face. It was like a staring contest between us and none of us would budge. Up until Jade stood in front me wiping the tears I didn't know they were running down my cheeks.

I cleared my throat and thanked the guys "Thank you, both of you, really. But you should get back to the others I'll just head to the staff room and rest a bit." They all went back to their tables and I went inside. I laid down on the couch covering my eyes with the uninjured arm while resting the other one by my side, I dozed off after a few minutes.

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I didn't move. I just whined "it's the staff's room for god's sake if you're knocking, you probably shouldn't be here."

"Sorry I just wanted to make sure that you're okay, Gee" I didn't need to look him. With that accent and that voice, I just knew. I stood up quickly only to fall back on the couch. I should seriously stop doing that.
"Gee, are you okay? What happened? Want me to take you to the hospital? O-or call a doctor?" I heard him sitting next to me, taking my hand in his. I couldn't see anything but still, I managed to giggle saying "You sure ask a lot of questions"

My blacked out sight faded and I could see again. His worried handsome face was the first thing I saw. It's like all of my muscles betrayed me and formed a tired smile on my face and my hand squeezed his. I saw him grin so stupidly and giggle like a big baby as he held my hand towards his lips.
But we got interrupted by Jisung's yelling outside "Hyung, we should get moving now!" We both glanced towards the door "I swear one day I'll kill him" I chuckled at his comment but turned bright red as I saw him pecking on my knuckles quickly before laying my arm back down next to me and standing up hovering over me. He winked and walked away leaving me unable to breath, unable to move and just... woah

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