Chapter 6: Looking for Rivendell

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This Chapter is dedicated to: 2xEmZx2! Because she is my 200th follower! Thank you so much! :) And thank you so much to all who have followed me and have also read/voted/commented on my books!!!!!! :D It really means a lot to me!!! <3

Aerlinniel POV

I knew exactly where I can go. I have to find Rivendell so I can find Faelwen. I just hope that she is doing alright. I get on my horse and start riding in a direction I know that will not take me to Mirkwood.

I then realize, I don't even know where Rivendell is. Well, I just hope I get lucky. I then get my horse in a full gallop and listen for any signs of life. I listen for movements, heartbeats, anything that will help me to find where I'm looking for.

All this time that I'm looking for Rivendell, I can't help but think about Legolas. I know I should be thinking about my sister or Faelwen. But I can't get Legolas out of my mind. He was the first real friend I had. And now he's gone.

Well, at least the old Legolas is. The new Legolas hates me and is in love with Tauriel. Not that I have nothing against her, it's just weird to me seeing the one I love with her. Legolas was so nice to me and saw me for who I truly am.

I wonder if the spell thing had never happened and I was still in the Woodland-Realm, if I would have been able to tell Legolas that I am blind. I not sure if I could of. He means so much to me. And two people already know about it anyway. It would be best not to let anyone else know.


Hello everyone! :) Sorry about not updating this past week, I have been very busy. I hope that you understand. Yes, this chapter is short. But that is because I am going to update again in a little while. So be on the look out for another update today!

        Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

                                                     ~Ellethwen <3

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