Author's Note: 20 Facts About Me!

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I was nominated/tagged by both: AryaMiriel and Faelwyn_Undomiel

1. I have two little sisters. (and they both fight all the time)

2. I play the violin and since I am homeschooled, I teach myself.

3. I am 15 years old. (16 in April)

4. I have been writing since I was 8.

5. I love to draw, and my favorite things to draw are cartoon animals.

6. I LOVE to Read!!! :D In the summer, I usually get my back pack and put a blanket, book(s) Note book, pen, pencil, and my mp3. And go down to the lake by my house or under a willow tree and lay down on the blanket while I listen to music and read.

7. Singing always makes me happy. If I am ever having a bad day, doing some singing cheers me up! :D

8. My favorite word is: Always!!! <3

9. My favorite TV show is Criminal Minds!!!

10. My favorite movie(s) is The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Trilogys!!!!!! :)

11. Even though I don't seem like it, I am VERY Shy. I even have trouble talking to people I know.

12. When I have kids I want a girl and a boy and I want their names to be, for the girl: Estelwen Rose. And for the boy: Thalion James.

13. I write songs! Although, I sometimes have trouble with it.

14. My favorite sport is soccer!

15. I was homeschooled for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. I then went to a charter school (I had to wear a uniform) from second to eighth grade. And I am now being homeschooled again and I am in the tenth grade.

16. I really, really, really want a dog!

17. I use my kindle fire to write my books. :)

18. I really would love to go to New Zealand and see Hobbiton!!! :D

19. I am a Hopeless Romantic

20. I have the cutest little guinea pig named: Spencer!!! <3 He is named after Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. :)

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