Chapter 10: Abducted

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PLEASE READ: The song that I used Into the West but changed up the lyrics to make it fit the story for Aerlinniel's Secret, myself singing it is now up! It is in my book, Aerlinniel's Secret! :D I hope that you guys enjoy it!

Lithônion POV (Faelwen's Father/ Aerlinniel's Uncle)

“Do you have her?" I ask.

“She has blonde hair, right sir?"

“Yes, just bring her over to the horse, Gondien!" I whisper harshly at my servant.

I have no idea where Aerlinniel went because we were going to grab her. But, since she is not here I have decided to take her sister, Elarinya, instead. That should get Aerlinniel to come back.

She has powers that nobody knows about, not even herself. She has no idea what she is capable of. I need her to get that power from her. Then there will be nothing anyone could do to stop me.

I had Gondien hit Elarinya on the head with a rock to knock her out. But of course that idiot let Elarinya see him, so she screamed. That is why I am in a hurry to get us out of here.

After Gondien gets her on the horse, we take off as fast as we can before anyone can see us. Everything so far is going perfectly.

Elarinya POV

As I open my eyes, the light makes me squint. My head hurts so bad, I can barley move. The slightest movement makes me dizzy. I then realize that I am riding on a horse.

What happened? I thought. I try to remember what happened.

We were looking for Aerlinniel when I saw a dark-haired ellon hiding behind a tree with a rock in his hand. He had jumped out from behind the tree, and I screamed. He then hit me with the rock and I passed out.

Now I am riding on some horse to, who knows where. I decide that it is best that I pretend that I am still passed out. I ha e no idea who it is that has abducted me.

Wait. I've been abducted?


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)  purehoney101 commented on the last chapter that she wanted to see someone who's bad POV, so I hoped that you enjoyed it! :) This chapter is dedicated to you: purehoney101!!! :D

     Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,
                                                               ~Ellethwen <3

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