Chapter 5: Lost in the dark...

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She was gone... Out of reach... My cold hands can never touch her warm heart...

" baby... Get her back! Bring me back my child!" I wanted to scream until no words came out.

Emma... I'm so sorry... I'm such a failure as a mother... I wanted to hold you...
Watch you grow...

Because of me... I won't be able to be there for you...

I wanted to be there when you cry and laugh...
When you sing and dance...
Come back to me, my child...
Forgive me...
After realising that it was useless to try and calm Valentina, Liam ran outside to find the man who did this.
However, he was already long gone... Liam came back inside... Slammed the door Shut!

"AAAH!!! SHIT!!" Liam bent on his knees and broke down. He was in a horrible mental state. He screamed his lungs out. Valentina felt so scared, hearing him scream like this, from the other room, that it made her shiver.

She was frozen. What could she have done to change all this?... Emma should've slept on the bed with them... or maybe she should've left Emma's door open.

All of these "what ifs" made her go mad. They were already losing it because of what happened last night and now this!
Valentina stood up quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed the knife to her very being.

Liam, didn't notice immediately that she ran to the kitchen, but later figured it out. Valentina was hesitating. Would there be hope?... She thought.

"No..." She was ready to impale herself, then jittered to the sound of his voice. "Do it."

Liam was standing by the door. His eyes were red and tired, he hadn't slept for nearly 2 nights. He had enough.

Valentina looked at him, there was determination in her eyes, but Liam didn't look at her eyes... he looked at her hands...
She was shaking, she couldn't do it...

"What the f*ck are you waiting for?... Do it...." His voice sounded so sinister, like he wouldn't flinched to the sight and sound of her blood spilling onto his hands.

"Or do you want me to do it for you?!...." He waited...

And waited.

And waited.

There was no movement.

Nor was there movement to be made.

Valentina stared deep into his eyes, her vision became blurry when she realised that she was crying. She lossened her grip and lowered the weapon.

"WHY ARN'T YOU DOING IT?!!" Liam yelled from across the room. He stomped towards her, grabbed the knife, that was still in her hands, and pointed to her neck. He used such force, so quickly that Valentina didn't have enough time to react.

But, luckily, she saved her neck by pulling the knife away from her. Though, she was still struggling...


"You stupid, pathetic woman! You don't give a f*ck about Emma!! You don't give a f*ck about life!! And you don't give a f*ck about HOPE!!"

Valentina's eyes widen. It may look like Liam is trying to kill her, but he's actually saving her...

He threw Valentina and the knife down in anger. Valentina fell on the kitchen counter, facing toward Liam.

He picked up his phone and called the police.

"What seems to be the situation?" A male and a female officer stepped in. The female officer asked the question.

"Our 6 month daughter was just kidnapped..." Liam replied calmly. Valentina just stood behind them, frozen still.

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