Chapter 14

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Authors note
Hi to those who r reading my book. I am really sorry for not writing for such a freaking long time and I'm am also so so sorry to keep changing the title of this book. I promise I will make this chapter a good one as an apologetic present...I feel so guilty😢
Jack's POV
I looked at Elsa's bedroom and saw many fluffy clouds and started poking them. Elsa told me to feel comfortable and so I did. I looked around the room and admired that she had such a happy life with her family before. Her parents died on a business trip on a cruise. I felt sorry for her, but did not want her to remember about her past. " when was the last time you came here? " elsa asked me and I shrugged. I saw her take a few dresses from her snowflake designed cupboard. " u know,u can just wear some random shirt and shorts." She looked at me, put her hands on her hips and said sarcastically " ummm...jack. Get it straight. It's a party. Who would just wear a shirt and shorts to a party where everyone is dancing and getting wasted???" That's true. I mumbled to myself but she had such sharp ears that she heard what I said. She told me to follow her to a room filled with expensive silk and a sewing machine. I raised my eyebrow and asked her what she was doing. She seemed to not hear and picked out colors that are blue-ish. The thing I liked about her was when she was concentrating on something,she will not care about her surroundings and continue. I looked at her a realized she was done sewing her dress. It looked good on her as I imagined her putting it on." Don't you wanna put it on?" She looked at me and smirked. She carefully created snowflakes and put them on the dress. The dress was knee length and was blue. She was the only girl I knew who liked blue and we were so common. Snow powers,favourite color, favourite season. "Jack. Do I look okay?"
I looked at her and saw a very hot elsa standing in front of me. "I should probably get you something to wear. Wait here." Seconds seemed like minutes and minutes seemed like hours. Finally,I saw elsa with a very casual shirt and jeans. She said it was her father's clothes and hoped I didn't mind. I looked at the shirt and saw that it was from an expensive brand. "You can keep it. If you like. It's sort of a present from me to you." I declined but she called me to change up. I changed and saw her sitting in front of her mirror putting on some make up.
"You look fine. You do not need any make up. Anyways, it's 0930 already let's go!" I told her in my chirpy tone and held my hand up for her like what a prince does.
-meanwhile at hiccups-
Merida came to my house as my mom and her mom wanted to talk. They sat at the sofa and continued chatting. I looked at merida's mother tying her hair and she looked grumpy. She mouthed out a " don't you dare to laugh. I brought my own clothes in my bag" I sniggered and burst out laughing. Not really very loud. After her mother typed her hair. She brought her bag and went to my room. " hiccup horrendous why did ya laugh at me?" I told her sorry and she started hitting me. That was why I liked Merida. OH MY GOD. Did I just...Aargh...anyways...don't tell her because we had been friends for many years and she treated me as a best friend. Excluding Anna and elsa(maybe??). When we reached the destination, she quickly borrowed their toilet to change. She came out with her hair untied and her shirt saying" wth is wrong with you " and jeans. She wore sneakers without her mother knowing. I kinda stared at her for a bit and snapped out of it.

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