Chapter 7. Sabre's PoV

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I sat down in Mr. Dust's classroom for home room time. It's the second day I've been here and I was still a bit nervous. I'm new here, no wonder. 

I set my stuff down and pull out my book, Legend of the Steves and Alexes. It's an interesting book, to be honest. 

The Steves and Alexes live in there own world other then us humans. They hold magical powers and sometimes get into wild battles against each other. An Alex known as Winter North began thriving with us and rarely uses her powers. She claims she's a Light Alex, one of the many Alexes. She says she's enjoying the life of a human and never wants to leave. Our scientists are trying to figure a way for humans to thrive with Steves and Alexes.

I heard footsteps behind me and turn to see the student, Rainbow Steve, come in. I guessed he was a Rainbow Steve from the sound of his name. He went over to a different desk and sat down. I looked away, trying to pay attention to my book. I'm not ready to make friends, even though he was the one who saved my skin from the three bullies yesterday.

"Oh, look." I recognized the voice of Void, the head of the bully-gang. "Raincolors made it early again. What a surprise."

I glanced up to see Rainbow Steve glare at him and sit down at his table. 

"Oh," Void mocked. "He's mad. So scary!" He chuckled and sat down.

"Alright, alright." Mr. Dust came into the room. "That's enough from your mouth, Void."

Void rolled his eyes. "Yes, Mr. Dust." 

I shook my head slightly and put my book away as all the other students came into the room. Mr. Dust did attendance and the bell rang. I left for my next class. In the corner of my eye, I saw Rainbow Steve go to his locker. I paused for a minute to watch him. He grabbed his stuff and turned around. 

"Hey, Rainbow Steve!" I was about to worry he would see me watching him, but the Galaxy Alex, Star I guessed, drew his attention. I sagged with relief. If Rainbow Steve saw me watching him, he would think I was some strange kid. 

Well, I probably am to everyone else. 

When I saw Rainbow Steve face Star, he started looking uncomfortable. I wanted to help him, but not yet. I had to see what Star would say to him first. Totally not spying! 

"Look," she began. "I'm sorry for how I was treating you. I just couldn't help but leave you and your grades."

"It's okay, Star." Rainbow Steve replied. "I understand why you did that."

"No, it's not okay!" Star insisted. "I really, really want to have you again. I really do!"

"What?" Rainbow Steve asked. "Why me? When there are many other students, and popular ones!" 

"I know." Star replied. "But it's you I want. I miss the dates we've had, they were fun."

"Like when we went roller skating?" Rainbow Steve asked. It was the first time I've actually seen him smile. "Or the time when we went to the pizza place with the arcade?"

Star chuckled. "Yeah. Those were the days. But, Rainbow Steve, we-" she hesitated. "We can't."


"My mom just got a job in Ultraopolis." Star explained. "And my dad now works at the zoo there for night shift. We, can't date. I'm moving."

"Oh." Rainbow Steve said, quietly. "That's fine. When you leaving?"

"Tonight." Star replied. "I'm sorry, Rainbow Steve. I really do wish we can keep dating, but I have to leave."

There was a moment of silence. I was feeling kind of bad for Rainbow Steve, even Star. Sure, it was hard to believe Star and him were dating, or at least did date. But I just didn't like how sad he looked. 

"Okay." Rainbow Steve said. "Well, I hope you have a safe trip. I have to get to class, text me when you can."

"Okay." Star replied, turning to leave. "See you, Rainbow Steve." 

I quickly went into my next class. It was sad seeing Rainbow Steve like that. Especially after he helped me out the other day. I had to do something!

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