Chapter 13. Sabre's PoV

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I hurried down to the front door to grab my backpack and stuff my school supplies in it. I called goodbye to my dad before leaving for the bus stop. I hoped to meet Rainbow Steve there and tell him my dad's big idea. Before long, I arrived at the bus stop. Rainbow Steve wasn't there, and I knew why; he was almost always late for everything, and I was fine with that. 

Void was already here, along with Ray and Sandstorm- two members of his gang. 

"Hey, newbie," Void turned to me. "Have you seen Rainbow Steve's eye?"

"Of course I have," I told them with folded arms. "That wasn't very nice to do, especially to my best friend."

Sandstorm got up into my face. "Why should we care? You're next."

I pushed him away. "Why don't you just mind your own business and leave Rainbow Steve alone."

"'Mind our own business'?" Ray echoed. "Why don't you mind your own business and leave Rainbow Steve to us?" 

I glared at him. "Just stop." 

"Oh, someone's mad," Sandstorm turned to Void. "So mad, they can't backfire our retorts." he laughed. "Hilarious."

I was about to argue when Rainbow Steve came dashing up to us. 

"Hey, Rainbow Steve," I greeted him. 

"Hey," Rainbow Steve replied, catching his breath. I noticed that his eye was still swollen, but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. "Am I late?"

"Not today," I told him. "You're a minute early this time." 

Rainbow Steve fist-bumped this air. "Yes! 59.9 seconds earlier than last time."

I laughed. 

"Oh, whatever," Void muttered. "What difference does that make? You're still late."

"Compared to you, maybe," I pointed out, gritting my teeth. 

Rainbow Steve set a hand on my shoulder. "Let's not make it worse."

"Yeah," Sandstorm said, cracking his knuckles. "Before we beat both of you up."

Before Sandstorm could do anything else, the bus pulled up beside them on the road. The doors opened and Void was the first to enter, then Sandstorm, then Ray and finally, us. I swore, one day, Rainbow Steve would be the first to enter the bus before Void or his gang.

*   *   *

Mr. Dust's class was finally over and it was time to go. Rainbow Steve was organizing his papers into a folder when I came up to his table. I felt bad for him, he had to sit by Sage- a Green Steve- and Cobalt- a Blue Steve. Sapphire- Cobalt's girlfriend- complained all day that she was the one he should sit by, but Mr. Dust said not. 

"How was the test for you?" Rainbow Steve asked me. 

"Fine," I replied. I didn't want to make Rainbow Steve feel bad, but the test was quite easy. "How about for you?"

"I know it was easy for you," Rainbow Steve told me. I lowered my gaze. "But, that's okay, the test was difficult for me."

"I hope you did well on it," I told him. "We both know how bad your grades are, no offense."

"None taken," Rainbow Steve said with a smile. "And, I know. I should be getting the results today."

As if on schedule, Mr. Dust called for Rainbow Steve. 

"I'll wait for you outside the classroom," I said. 

"Thanks," Rainbow Steve replied, heading for Mr. Dust's desk. I went out of the classroom and waited by the door, listening into the conversation; Not eavesdropping.

"Rainbow Steve," I heard Mr. Dust say. "You didn't miss every answer on this test, this time, but I am still disappointed in you." 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dust!" Rainbow Steve said. "I try my best, I really do."

"I know you do," Mr. Dust told him. "But your not trying hard enough. I'm afraid, at this rate, you may never graduate highschool."

I froze. Never?

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