Chapter 10. Rainbow Steve's PoV

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Sabre was right. Being a wimp wasn't so bad! I, actually enjoy it. Sure, Void still bothers me but it's no big deal, anymore. Wait until my dad finds out, he'll be so proud! 

The school day was over and Sabre and I chose a seat in the back where the cool kids hung out. We laughed and joked until our stomachs hurt. I've never had so much fun in years! 

That's when Void came.

"Get out of my seat, punks." He said. "Sit up front where you belong."

"Isn't that where you belong?" Sabre challenged after making sure he was out of earshot of Mr. Creek. 

"Why you-" 

"Sit down, Void." Mr. Creek called. "We're going to leave soon."

"Yes, Mr. Creek." He shot me and Sabre a glare before sitting up front. Sabre turned to me and gave me a fist bump. 

"See," Sabre said. "When a bully challenges you, show them you're not afraid."

"Well," I replied. "i am sort of afraid, of Void."

"That's fine." Sabre said. "Just make sure it doesn't get to you."

I smiled and the bus started off. Sabre was the greatest friend anyone could ever have. 

When my stop pulled up and the bus hauled, Sabre and I went off and headed down the sidewalk. Sabre waved goodbye and headed his own way. I was about to leave when someone grabbed my shoulder and whipped me around to face them.

"No one's going to make a fool out of me like that!" He told me in a harsh voice. He lifted a fist and sent me falling to the sidewalk. My eye stung! I lifted a shaky hand and touched it, wining when it flashed in pain. It was swollen!

"Come on, you wimp!" Void challenged. "You going to cry?"

"I-" I paused. Being a wimp is okay, I told myself. "I'm not going to cry."

"Please!" Void mocked. "Run home, you pig. No one wants you."

I shrank back. Void's words hurt lie a stabbing knife in my heart. Tears came streaming down my face and I turned and ran for home. Maybe being a wimp was such a bad idea after all!

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