Chapter 12. Sabre's PoV

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I went home after school and hung up my bag on the coatrack next to the door. Today was alright, but I felt terrible. Rainbow Steve had been beaten by Void the other day and I didn't know what to do about it.

"Hey, Sabre," I heard my dad. "How was school today?"

"Fine," I replied. I lied; today was awful! "I'll be in my room."

I left for my room and sat down on my bed. I pulled out a piece of paper and turned on a light. Pulling out a pen, I began to write.

What to do, I wrote. 1. Beat Void up. I shook my head, that could get me in trouble instead. 2. Tell a teacher. Nah, that wouldn't bother Void at all. 3. Move to a private school. What would that do for me? I'll tell you, it will make me seem like a coward and leave Rainbow Steve to deal with Void. I can't do that! And besides, my dad wouldn't allow it. 

"Hey, kiddo," I turned around to see my dad come into my room. 

"Hi, Dad," I replied. "Is something up?"

"No," my dad replied. "But I know your lying to me. Did something happen at school today?"

I sighed. I knew I should tell the truth; he's my dad, I should trust him. "Alright, yes. Something happened today."

My dad sat down beside me. "What is it, Sabre?"

"Rainbow Steve was beaten up the other day," I explained. "By Void. His eye is pretty swollen. I couldn't do anything, I wasn't there to help and now I just feel terrible."

"I see," my dad said. "It's not your fault. We both know how Void is with these sorts of things. Thinking he's a bigger and better leader, pfft. As if!" 

"Dad," I said. "Getting off-topic, again." My dad was always this way, he just keeps getting ahead of himself.

"Sorry, sorry," Dad said. "Point is, don't blame yourself for other people's actions. You weren't there when Rainbow Steve was beaten, but that's behind now. You need to focus on the present, and possibly future. What do you think Void will do next?"

"Laugh and mock Rainbow Steve over and over again," I replied. This isn't getting me anywhere.

"Probably," Dad said. "But, what do you think he's going to do? Like- what is his next move?"

I thought for a moment. If I were Void, what would I do?  "Get his gang to join in and make Rainbow Steve look like a fool of himself. Probably until he moves or something."

"You see?" my dad set a hand on my shoulder. "And what are you going to do about it?"

"Well, that's just the problem," I said. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm writing down ideas, but I doubt any of them will work."

"Ah," my dad fell silent. The two of us were quiet for a few moments before he spoke again. "Well, how about this. I heard spring break is coming up, and during that, I was thinking we should go to the Demolition Derby. Maybe, if Rainbow Steve gets better, why not invite him to go with us? I'm sure that'll get his mind off Void for a bit."

I smiled. "Yeah, that might. Thanks, Dad." With that, my dad left. I glanced at the clock next to my bed. 5:34, it read. I guessed my dad was going to make dinner now. I turned back to the paper I held and crumpled it up before tossing it into a trashcan. I smiled to myself, feeling excitement rise up into me. I couldn't wait to tell Rainbow Steve my dad's good idea!

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