Chapter 14. Rainbow Steve's PoV

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I rush inside the house, hoping my dad didn't get a phone call from the school saying I failed yet another test. Sure enough, I heard him in the kitchen talking on the phone. I held my breath, maybe my dad didn't know I was here? I set my bag down quietly and tried sneaking to my room. My dad spotted me and waved me over. I sighed, could this day get any worse?

"I'm sure we'll figure this out, Mr. Dust," my dad spoke on the phone. "Yes, yes, I got him right here. I'll tell him. Thank you for letting me know." he hung up and set the phone aside before turning to me with filed arms. I swallowed, this day was going to get worse, I knew it.

"Rainbow Steve," my dad said. "I'm very disappointed in you."

"I'm sorry, Dad," I told him. "I really, really am trying my best! I study in the library almost every day and try hard in my tests."

"I know you do," my dad said, raising his head. "But it's not good enough."

Just like what Mr. Dust said, I realized, sadly. 

"I'm afraid if this keeps up," my dad said, putting his hands on his hips. "You can't go to school anymore."

"What?" I asked in dismay. Can't go to school? "Why?"

"Your grades," my dad said. "That's why. Your grades are ridiculous, they've been this way for the past three years- or five, for that matter. I think the only way to fix this is to make you homeschooled."

"Homeschooled?" I couldn't believe what my dad was saying. "But- No! You can't!"

"Oh, I can," my dad told me. "Son, these grades are important to you, your future, and me. Besides, Void has been bullying you for quite some time. This is your chance to leave all that behind!"

"No, Dad," I said., my eyes narrowed and watering. "This isn't what I want. I don't care about Void or his thugs, I want to see Sabre everyday at school. I've been enjoying school ever since he moved here. You can't just take that away from me!"

"I'm afraid I may have to," my dad said, simply.

I didn't reply. Anger flared up in me, but sadness flooded in with it. Leave school? Leave Sabre? It can't be! Tears began streaming down my face by the time I turned and ran into my room. Slamming the door behind me, I slid down to the floor in a bundle and cried in my arms.

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