Chapter 8. Rainbow Steve's PoV

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I walked inside my house and set my backpack down. 

"Hey, kiddo," my dad greeted me. "How was school today? Got any good grades you want to tell me about?"

"No." I replied. "There weren't any tests."

"You alright there?" He asked. 

"Yeah, dad." I said. "I'm okay. Just tired."

"You hungry?" My dad asked. "I can make dinner if you wa-"

"I'm fine, dad." I insisted, and went to my room. I sat down on my bed and curled into a ball, my eyes watering. What was there to be done? My ex would be moving soon and the bullies would tease me, still. I was going to be...


"Rainbow Steve," my dad slowly came into my room. 

"What?" I asked, sitting up and wiping my eyes.

"You got mail today." He said.

"What?" I asked again. "Who would give me mail? Everyone knows everyone hates my guts, and I mean everyone!" 

"A kid named..." he read the front of the letter. "Sabre Cheesehug?"

I took the letter and my dad left me alone. I sat down on my bed and opened the letter.

Dear Rainbow Steve, it read. I've heard what happened in the hallway today before class. I'm really sorry. I know what it's like to lose a friend, or many. It's from my clothes. Sometimes I wear a chicken onesie. I mean, I like chickens. But my friends now hang out in gangs, like Ryan, and Nathan. Moose, Shark, Spency, and many, many others. I only have one friend, Lucas. But I had to leave him, since we moved here. I think you need a friend, Rainbow Steve, and as do I. 

-Sabre Cheesehug

I stared at the letter. Did Sabre really want to be friends; with me? I dropped the letter and quickly pulled out a piece of paper and pencil. 

Dear Sabre, I wrote. I do need a friend. I'm alone, and confused, and lost. I'll miss my ex. Old friend, Sandstorm, was one of my best friends. Then, Void moved into town and came to our school. Sandstorm joined his gang and started bullying me. I was so upset my grades dropped. I got more F's then A's. I was bullied, beaten and pushed around. Star decided to dump me and I was left by myself. I would love to have a friend, Sabre, a lot! I'll see you in school.

-Rainbow Steve

I finished my letter and ran out the door. I ignored my dad's yelling and put the letter in the mail box. I actually felt, happy. I was going to have a friend!

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