You Won't Hurt For Long

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We are like cars on a freeway passing intermittently.
And sometimes,
     Every once in a while we crash into each other.
We start tumbling
Setting fire to our insides,
Going so quick you can't see a thing.
And that's when we become blinded.
The freeway is a scary place,
Every single car on the roadway
Has a destination.
On a road path where a single car
Only thinks for itself.
One exit, one street, one turn, one parking spot
Simplicity is what we dream
But in truth not everything is in black and white.
We get so caught up with fire burning us
That is what we live with everyday
You feel your soul has left your body
But your car
The yellow mustang is so much more
Than the abilities and the set of wheels
it's been given.
We come in all sorts of
different models of cars
That we forget we are never alone.
Don't stay on the freeway too long,
Go to the gas station,
look at the other people who fuel you up
They are drivers too
It's okay to ask if you need help.
Soon you will embrace the freeway
The fear and trauma will be your strength
Reminding you if you can get through that
You can get through anything.

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