Stay Alive

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"Your nothing"
A punch in the face
"You can't do anything right"
I fall to the ground
"Your ugly"
I cover my face
"Your worthless nobody wants you"
I cry helpless tears
"You'll never make it out alive"
I look up to you
"Your just a child"
I scream in my head
My own fingers become unknown to me
As I shake violently
Against the body that does not feel my own
Don't shut me out
I don't want to die
I look myself in the mirror
As I break
But instead of lying there for hours because of you
I turn your words around
" I am not nothing, I am everything"
I wipe away my tears
"I can do things right"
I stop crying
"I am beautiful"
I pick myself off the floor
"I have worth and my loved ones do want me"
I stare myself in the mirror a little longer
A little harder
"I will make it here, I will stay alive"
I look at the tired circles ringing around my eyes Instead of hating it
I give it love for going through many sleepless nights alone
"I am not just a child my opinions matter I will not be silenced"
My thoughts stop spiraling
I stop shaming myself for what they say about me
Because it is not true
I am so much more
With so much more life to come
Suddenly the truth I found gave flight to my face
As my lips lift upward

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