Be What You Won't Regret Later

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You can cry about your life all you want
But nobody can fix it
Only you can
Nobody can make your life beautiful
If you chose for it to be darkness
Actions speak louder than your words ever will
People know who you are
By the actions you set.
Nobody will know what is inside your mind
What spins as worries
What is saddening you
What angers you
Nobody will know your reasons for what you do
Because we are not you
Only you are in your own body
You can tell it what to do
What to think
What to speak
How to react
You can send it to constant hard work that achieves all of your wildest dream if you constantly reach for what makes you happy
Or you can be a low grade factory worker working too much just to pay the bills
So for the lifetime that you think you deserve?
Stop complaining
Only you limit yourself at what you can be
Forcing others to feel bad for you
Is a bad move when you don't want to fix it.

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