I Wish You Understood More Than The Surface

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Parents don't see you for the way they should
Maybe it's their pride and ego getting in the way
Or they are too busy in their own lives to notice
Your not okay
Even if they ask you what's wrong you can't tell
Because you know what they will say
"Just get over it"
Sure maybe I will
Maybe I will shove the ocean of tears inside me
Reverse the cracks of foundation
In my burning house
That I patch it up just by throwing water over it
Expecting that it would work
"That's how you would get over it right?"
My skin is itching for salvation my fingers scratch
The skin that is on fire from the underneath circus
Of untamed monkeys raging and crying at the same time of my smile that still continues to beg
"Yes I am doing so great today"
But no one sees my insides or what my insides see
What my eyes see that go to the back of my head like a screen projection of every horror filled first person view of what makes me fall apart every single time. Because then I realize that's not just some random first person view in a messed up movie documentary, no that's me live and clear, dysphoric in something that I can't connect or touch without feeling pain. It's trauma it fogs up my brain like the last breath I draw in my nightmares where stones tie my feet down and I finally drown.
But do I let it?
Do I drown in the murkiness?
Will anyone notice?
Will anyone care?
It's what everyone asks to themselves
To ashamed to tell anyone
When they have had enough of their life.
But it's what I wish I could tell my parents
Not the suicidal dreams but the feelings
The off kilter feelings that is so strong
Nothing can simply make me "get over it"
It's not some teenager scheme that comes to mind
But I'm more than some child
That you decide to listen to once in a while
Then throw away like trash
When my truth is too much for you
There is a reason teenagers are the most misunderstood
It's because we know how life is
We are a messed generation being shut down
Treated like kids but expected to be adults
Shut down a lot of times when adults are believed over the children.
That's what makes it hard
We want to fight for the hope of our future
Then you bring us down
When you don't even realize it
As you wonder why we are so messed up
Insensitively ask if I'm okay like you care
But it's hard to tell someone your feelings
When they are the person who hurt you.

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