Tough Choices

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There's no beauty in the beast inside him
Don't treat him like the movie you hope to see inside
It doesn't exist anymore
I know you see it but it's so hard letting go
Setting the memories to burn on the side table
Turning ahead to the present and unknown future
Without a guarantee of the life
Where you knew how things were going to be
While you were being controlled all this time
But it's time for you to sprout your wings
Recognize your worth and know who deserves it
Don't take off your wings for him anymore
He grabbed your light
and toke it until he didn't
Care if he hurt you or not.
I want to shake you and tell you everything I know
But I know you won't understand or it still won't make up your confused mind that waits to give him a million chances to think it will get better.
But I can see it
I hope you see it right in front of you
The choice that hurts so much but will do good

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