Chapter 1: Round 1

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Ozpin narration: "It all began, as most things do, with war. The kingdoms of the world have been locked in a violent struggle for years, but eventually the Great War came to a end on the small island of Vytal. It was here that humanity's leaders chose peace instead of bloodshed and constructed the future for modern society. Establishing new laws, new academics, and new traditions. The Vytal festival was created to serve as a celebration of peace between the kingdoms. Every two years a kingdom would be chosen to open its doors to the world, allowing people from across the world to meet and indulge in others cultures. The pinnacle of this event was the Vytal tournament. Where students of the four kingdoms come together to fight, though I fear this years is in danger."

The scene shifts from black down to Ozpin's office as Ozpin, Glynda, Cayde, Ironwood, Eris, F/N, Variks, and Mithrax stand around the Wizards desk.

F/N: "With the incoming invasion along with the sudden disappearance of Cinder and her goons, this has complicated things beyond what we've faced before."

Ironwood: "Which is why I suggest we have my fleet over here around the stadium."

Glynda: "And what message would that be sending James? As far as the civilians are concerned we are in an era of peace."

Cayde: "So what are we suggesting here? I mean no offense but what are your dinky ships going to do against a hive cruiser?"

Eris: "Indeed, your vessels will fall to their might."

Star: "Which is why I've come up with something."

They all turn to look at the ghost, now wearing a different shell, crafted to be suited for her new position as the Kell of kell's ghost.

Ozpin: "Well go on then."

Star: "Seeing as F/N has become as powerful as he is, wouldn't it make sense that he should be guarded at all times."

Mithrax: "Which is why we will have my Ketch positioned near this stadium. It will appear that we are simply defending our new leader in a possible hostile environment even with the Non-Aggression pacts."

Cayde: "So using your suspected paranoia of the other kingdoms to plant a hidden defense without raising suspicion. Not bad."

Variks: "This would be our best option, yeees?"

Ironwood: "As much as I hate not having the fleet near the stadium, you carry a valid point."

Ozpin: "Then it's settled then, the House of Wolves ketch will be positioned to defend the stadium while Ironwood's forces provide security on the ground."

F/N: "Seems like we have a plan people, let's put it to work."


I was now sitting in the stands after the meeting, dawned in my casual clothes, watching Team RWBY's first match in the festival. Cheering them on as they fought I heard someone chuckle beside me. I turned to see Mithrax.

F/N: "What's so funny?"

Mithrax: "Your excitement, you act like a child yet you were so serious during the meeting. Seeing both extremes for you is funny."

Star: "Well he is still a child."

F/N: "I'm seventeen you know."

Randel: "Exactly."

F/N: "See thanks Randel...... wait."

We all turn to see Randel beside us with his feet propped up and his arms behind his head and on his lap.

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