Chapter 2: Birds of a feather

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F/N's perspective

After the Skiff came and dropped us off at the port. I along with the rest of the crew walked up into the stands to watch Team JNPR's fight.

Ruby: "Oh I hope they do ok."

F/N: "Ruby come on its our friends, they have this."

Randel: "Except the blonde one."

Mithrax: "Randel please, don't say it out loud."

Star: "Both if you are horrible."

Randel: "Meh."

We all sat down as the terrain was randomly chosen for this match, witch happened to be a forest and mountain combination.

Countdown: "3...2...1...begin!"

After they left the stage, we all kinda sat there dumbfounded.

F/N: "Well.... who else is conflicted about that fight?"

I looked over at the others who all raised their hands, well except for Star, she kinda still floated there.

Star: "Yeah that was absolutely awesome, yet disappointing at the same time."

Yang: "Who names their attack 'Flower power'?"

F/N: "Says the team that came up with Checkmate and your other combos."

Ruby: "Hey don't cramp our style."

Randel: "But still those are lame."

Weiss: "Well then what would you call them?"

Randel: "Explosion, cause that's all you ever need."

Blake: "F/N what's he in charge of again?"

F/N: "Oh are supplies.... I think I've made a horrible mistake."

Randel: "No take backs."

Mithrax: "Hush, the next match is starting."

Ruby: "Uh that was so close."

Yang: "Guess the dorks made it to the next round."

Mithrax: "What are they doing?"

And of course at that moment Sun and Neptune were break dancing on the battlefield.

F/N: "That my good Elixni friend, is a victory dance."

Randel: "Looks dumb, then again a lot of your human customs are kinda dumb."

I and team RWBY look over at him with a slightly annoyed look.

F/N: "You know I might reconsider the no docking policy just for you."

Randel got up and waved his arms in defense.

Randel: "I kidd I kidd, jeez don't get your hair in a bunch."

Mithrax: "Then next time think before you speak."

Mithrax hits him over the head before looking at me, Randel rubbing his head from the hit.

Oobleck intercom: "Now that concludes the matches for today now could everyone exit the coliseum in a CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION!"

F/N: "Think he could be any louder, sheesh."

Blake: "I think he would take that as a challenge."

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