Chapter 6: Maiden candidate

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F/N's perspective

We were still inside Ozpins office, Ozpin now talking with Pyrrha. Qrow and I were leaning up against a pillar while Star floated over my shoulder.

Ozpin: "Well it comes as no surprise that they've chosen you to move onto the final round of the tournament. Your performance has been exemplary."

Pyrrha: "Thank you professor Ozpin, but I wouldn't have made it this far without my teammates."

Qrow: "Personally I think it's the other way around."

I hit his shoulder and looked at Pyrrha.

F/N: "Sorry about him."

Pyrrha: "Well I'm sorry, but I don't think we've been properly introduced."

Qrow: "Names Qrow."

Ozpin: "Qrow is an associate of mine, along with being F/N's adoptive father."

Pyrrha: "Professor, if you don't mind me asking, why have you called me here?"

Ozpin: "Please take a seat."

Pyrrha does so and Ozpin leans forward.

Ozpin: "What is your favorite fairy tale?"

Pyrrha: "I'm sorry?"

Ozpin: "Fairy tales, the story's from your childhood. Surely you remember some?"

Pyrrha: "Well there's the Tale of the Two Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The girl in the tower-

Ozpin: "What about the story of the seasons?"

Pyrrha: "Of course. A callous old man who refuses to leave his home is visited by four traveling sisters. The first understands his reclusive nature and urges him to use this time in solitude to reflect and meditate. The second brings him fruits and flowers, tending to his crops and revitalizing his garden. The third warmed the man's heart, convincing him to step outside and embrace the world around him. The fourth and final sister begs him to look at all he has and be thankful. In return for their kindness, the man gifted the maidens with incredible power, so they may continue to help the world. They graciously accept and promise to share their gifts with the people of Remnant until the end of days. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. The four maidens, my mother loves that story."

Ozpin: "Would you believe me if I told you that one has been around since I was a boy?"

Pyrrha: "You're not that old professor."

Star whisper: "Yes he is."

I shushed her and looked back at Oz.

Ozpin: "Well would you believe me if I told you that it was true?"

Pyrrha: "I beg your pardon?"

Ozpin: "What if I were to tell you that there were four maidens existing in this world that could wield such tremendous power without dust."

Pyrrha: "You mean like a semblance?"

Ozpin: "Like magic."

F/N: "Or light."

Pyrrha: "I-."

Qrow: "Yeah, first time hearing it's pretty crazy."

Pyrrha: "You're serious."

F/N: "Dead serious."

Pyrrha: "But why tell me?"

Ozpin looked over at us. Qrow narrowed his eyes and nodded. I and Star also gave him curt nods ourselves.

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