Chapter 11

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It was another school day for Eddie. He was ecstatic to see Atlas again.

While walking down the street to the building, he passes by three or four kids staring him down. Uncomfortable, Eddie ignores it and continues his walk.

"Yo." One of them said.

Eddie glanced back at the kids and recognized these being half the same group of people who fought him in the alley the other day. Eddie thought that if this boy had come to fight again, he didn't look so prepared.

Eddie turned around and acknowledged them this time. "I'm sorry, I can't do this right now, I've got to go." He turned back to leave until being interrupted by his exit.

"What? So you too good to make friends too?" The boy complained.

"Of course not. Just not with..." Eddie still looking down the street to the building. "You." He finished.

"Wha-?! Why the hell not?" The boy argued.

"I have my reasons. Don't worry about it. Now, if you'll excuse m-" Eddie once again attempts to leave until being stopped.

"Well I'm strong, so are you. I was caught off guard the last time we fought so I wasn't able to react as fast as I normally do." He boasted. "But I'm pretty strong! You really wouldn't like to catch these hands." The boy advised, he crossed his arms, smug. "Anyway, let's form an alliance! It'd be good for two powerful guys to work together."

"Cough, Cough. Better for you-" One of the other boys whispered shoving the one boy speaking, before being pushed away.

"What do you say?" The boy pulls his hand out for a handshake. Eddie stares at the boy and thinks about it.

"Maybe we could do good. Stop criminals, help people..." He thought. "I need more friends too, I just don't want to be friends with the wrong people..." Eddie looked up at the boy whom had a mohawk, tacky clothes and the fakest smile Eddie had seen plastered on his face.

"Alright, let's be friends." Eddie took the boy's hand and shook it.

"Nice! I'm Danny by the way-"

"Bye Danny, nice knowing you!" Eddie ran off.

- -

Eddie sat at his desk, once again at the back of the class next to no one. When looking out the window, Eddie thought what Atlas would think if Eddie told him that he had made new friends. Maybe Atlas would like to be friends with them as well.

The teacher was speaking in front of the classroom when suddenly, the bell rang and the teacher dismissed the students.

After the teacher dismissed them, Eddie launched his way up from his seat, packed his things quickly and dashed his way out the door in a hurry, before his peers could.

Walking to the back of the school as he always had, near the garden was a spot where Atlas and Eddie would always meet. Atlas rarely attended classes so it was very easy to find him there.

Eddie walked over to Atlas laying on the grass with his phone on his chest and his hands grasping onto his phone. He had headphones on once again, but when Eddie slightly nudged at Atlas and got no response, he could tell Atlas was in deep sleep.

Eddie sat next to Atlas slowly, and looked down at him.

It was tricky to get Atlas awake, Eddie didn't want to wake Atlas either. He was very wary of hurting Atlas, Atlas didn't have a bruise on his body. Atlas to Eddie was perfect.

A leaf from the tree he had laid under fell onto his nose, Atlas looked as of though he'd sneeze. Eddie realized this and went to remove it when unintentionally rubbing his hand on Atlas's cheek.

"So soft." He thought.

Eddie subconsciously put his hand through Atlas's hair and began playing with it lightly, trying not to wake him. Eddie was observing his friend quietly sleeping.

Eddie looked at Atlas.

"He's so... handsome."

Eddie once again, lost in thought. "...Eddie?"

He flinched and came back to reality. He saw Atlas awake holding onto his wrist. "Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you. Please forgive me."

Eddie took his hand away and Atlas sat up with Eddie, he was stuffing his phone in his pocket and removing his headphones. "Course not! It felt- nice." Atlas buried his face in his hands.

Eddie blushed. His heart was beating out of his chest.

Eddie took hold of Atlas's hands and held them off his face. Eddie held one of Atlas's hand's and was feeling something he hadn't felt before. His heart beat quicker and quicker, Eddie felt hot.

When looking back at Atlas, he could see how red he was as well. Eddie was confused. "This is love?" Eddie thought.

Atlas leaning over to Eddie, in a second Eddie stood up and freed Atlas's hand. "I'm sorry-" Eddie began backing away from Atlas before running off and leaving.

"What am I doing?
I can't do this!
I don't know what to do!
Not now-
It's too much!"

Eddie's mind filled with thoughts, when sprinting away, he was puzzled and Eddie was scared, it was something he found hard to comprehend.

Love was everything Eddie had ever wanted, he was getting it but was afraid of the consequences. Would Atlas leave Eddie as easily as everyone else had? What if Atlas would also hate Eddie for how he ruined his family? Eddie thought of many things that could go wrong.

Without discerning it, Eddie had ran off to an abandoned parking lot. Eddie sat next to a pillar in tears. He didn't know if what he was doing was right or wrong.

Eddie sat there crying for a while, overthinking and worrying.

- -

"So the intimidating skeleton can cry too?"

Eddie wiped his tears away and stood up. Standing in front of him was Danny.

"Hey dude. I'm being chased by a scary bear. That bear wants to kill me, but I'm really not up for it." Danny started. "I would do it myself, but uh- I'm pretty lazy. You think you can help your good friend, Danny out?"

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