chapter 5

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I wake up on the freezing floor. Man I'm sore, well at least I can walk. I look over at Skittles who has moved to his own bed because the floor got to cold. " Hey buddy thanks for staying by me last night" I say as I'm petting his head. Well I passed out with my clothes on last night so I only have to brush my teeth and hair.

"Ok Skittles wish me luck" and I step out my door. I'm all the way down stairs when my father comes up to me. "Now daughter make sure to not disappoint me again." He said as he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. "Y-yes father I promise." I'm shaking again. "Well just to make sure you do here's a little reminder." He raised his fist and brought it down on my left eye. I stung so much tears came to my eyes and my father just smiled and shoved me to the door.

I got to school and made it to my seat without crying and I know it has to be a black eye now. Dont cry Dont cry Don't cry Don't cry! Thankfully no one talked to me so I don't have to worry about how my voice would sound right now.

(Bakugo POV)

I was just sitting at my desk thinking of new ways on how to become the number 1 hero when I saw (Y/N) come in. She looked terrible! She had a black eye and looked like she was fixing to cry. I wonder what happened to her to make someone look so scared it kind of reminds me of when she got scared at lunch when I first met her. I wonder if the same thing happened that scared her last time. At this point I'm just staring at her. Completely dumb founded that something could put that look on     (Y/N)'s face. Someone who I know to be the smartest, nicest, and prettiest girl I know. Wait did I just say pretty! I mean well she is. But i can't think of her that way it's just weird she my friend that's all and that all I'll think of her right.? Well I cant think of it anymore because Mr. Azawa just walked in. "There's going to be a test next week so you better study."
" Yes Mr. Azawa." Everyone said.


Oh great another test just what I needed another beating. It's ok don't cry. I just need to study that's all. "Hey (Y/N) want to be in a study group we'll all go to Bakugo's place?" Kirishima said as he gestures towards Bakugo and Kaminari. "Y-yeah sure." Oh no my voice sounds like I've been crying for weeks! "Wow hey are you ok you got a black eye and you sound like you've been crying, are you ok?" Kaminari said just now noticing how bad I look. Quick pick a convening story! "Oh yeah I'm ok.. I again..and hit my eye this morning..and it hurts yeah" they dont look convince. "Oh well I hope your eye gets better." Kirishima said with a worried look. "Yeah and hopefully you can stop being such a klutz!" Said Kaminari while elbowing me in the side. But unfortunately he hit one of the sore spots were dad threw me at the wall. But I had to suck it up and bit my lip to keep me from screaming. " hehe yeah such a klutz." I said through gridded teeth.

Time skip brought to you by rock hard, angry boy, and pikachu!!

It's at the end of the day and we are all headed home when Bakugo says to me "Hey (Y/N) I'll come pick you up tomorrow and then we can go to my house and meet up with the other idiots." In the background I just see a shocked pikachu and a fake crying rock. "Haha ok, also look behind you." I say pointing to the idiots. Bakugo turns around and just shakes his head. "Ok I'll see you then." He waves at me and starts walking out the door.

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