▪Chapter 1▪

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Finally it is Friday...

The last day until break. The last day to get late assignments in. The last day to see the teachers and hear boring lectures until after break. You send a thank you out to the world

You look in the mirror one more time before leaving. Staring back at you are beautiful (e/c) eyes that you inherited from your father. The long (h/c) hair reaches all the way to your lower back and the extra thickness is from your mother.

You usually keep it up in a ponytail or braid but, today you make an exception to keep it down since it is extra cold. You put on your (f/c) shoes, grab the bag, and head for the door.

As you head to school you think about how the first semesters went by fast. One day your were sitting in class on the first day of school not knowing anyone. Now you have several amazing bestfriends and a few other people to love and support you.

They have helped you so much by always going to your Nanas library and checking out books.

Though you have been struggling lately since your Nana is sick all the time and it's harder to pay bill's with not as many people coming to the library.

This year your grandma is said to be staying in the hospital all Christmas break, so you might just have to spend it alone again this year. Other than that your grades are good and school is fun, being in UA has helped you alot.


You get out the things you need for your first class and start to walk. You still have almost 10 minutes until class actually begins but your an early bird.

You usually just take the extra time to study and look over things.

Since your Nana always wrote books, she knows a lot about writing. So naturally she tought you how to write at a young age. At around 5 you had written a 10 chapter story about you quirk. You called the book "Flying Free [ or whatever you want]" because your quirk allows you to fly and enhances your speed along with some of your strength.

She printed it and published it for her library. Not to brag or anything but many people bought it and you became very well known in childrens books.

That was one of the last times your small library was that packed and full of people. Not since your mothers book was published at least. You look at pictures of you mother and father standing together all the time, such a beautiful couple.

Your mother died months after you were born due to a car accident. Your father resorted to drugs and alcohol after her death. He went to a rehab facility when you were 3 to finally try to get better for you, he died on due to a heart attack.

You felt bad of course, but the sad feeling of his loss quickly faded when you realized you barely knew him.

You were to young to remember much of him anyway, so eventually your Nana stepped in and raised you in her apartment above the small library.


Soon the bell rings and class begins. Your teacher Present Mic gave you a loud and long lecture about how Japan was established and you had to write a small essay about it. Arguementative essays are different from regular stories you see.

They tend to be harder since you need tons of evidence and a counter arguement for the opposite side. Some would probably expect you to ace the essay but it is harder than it looks even though YOU LITERALLY live in a library and with an old author.

Anyway... Language arts is not what it seems to be.

Walking to your next class felt like a nightmare. One moment you are halfway asleep in class and the other is having to wake up to walk across to the other side of the school to get to your last class.

Thank god I get to go home after this and nap for an hour before work. You think to myself.

You work at a Coffee shop nearby when you are not working at the library. The library is closed every other day and today is one of them, it will also be closed all break while your Nana is getting treated.

Before you got to class, you thought about the homework you forgot and how Mr. Aizawa was probably gonna kill you.

Right when he collects our assignments and sees mine is not there. My life will end in a split second ... at least you hope it doesn't.

You run to class as fast as you can using some of your quirk (which actually helps a lot) and before you get all the way into class...

You slam into something head first.

"Owwy" What the hell did I bump into?

You look up and see him... "Oh uh hi Todoroki!" You say blushing.


~OMG... I am sorry this is only the first chapter and it is kinda short but I wanted to have an easy start.

How was it so far? Tell me if I got anything messed up and it doesn't matter on what it is.

Thank you so muchhhh!


𝓐 𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓲 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼🎄 || Shoto Todoroki X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now