▪Chapter 3▪

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"AAhhhhhh SHUT UP stupid clock" you screech at the extremely obnoxious alarm. When you first got home from school, you did chores and took a hour long nap so you can be fully awake during work. Today is gonna be a long one and you pretty much work all break.

Finally you decide to take a quick shower and get dressed. You quickly French braid your hair into two and run out the door.

Thank the gods that the shop is only less than block away, if any further you would have been as good as dead.

Hmm maybe I can call a friend to see me while I work, maybe I can call Uraraka or Midoriya...maybe Todoroki instead? You think right before you walk through the coffee shop door.

You text the small group chat to let them know you'll be in today and hopefully one of them will come

Your co- worker Shinso also came from UA but is in a different class, he and you are really good friends as well. There were only a few customers sitting down so you decided to make a Candy Cane latte, with something new you added.

"Hey Shinso, wanna try this new latte I am making" You ask him before he starts making his own. To some people, they think you and Shinso should be a couple but you can tell he sees you as a sister as you see him as a brother, and that was that.

You always think about what it is like to be in a relationship and the first person to come to mind is.... Todoroki. You can't help these feelings for him, and it really gets you thinking-

"-Yes (Y/n), thank you so much!" Shinso said interrupting your thoughts, which was good by the way. You sometimes wish that your quirk was full speed so you could just drink the coffee already and get work over with.


Finally you have about 20 more minutes until you could go home. You told Shinso to leave early and he did as you were and assistant manager and have those privileges.

As you are trying to make a small Caramel Frappe for what you thought would be the last customer before you closed shop, you hear the bells jingle and someone steps in.

When you finish putting the whip cream on the frappe, you finally look up to the one and only...

Todoroki Shoto.

"Oh uh, that will be $3.50 please" You say to the other customer. The customer walks out the door and Todoroki steps up to the counter.

"Hi (Y/n)" He said

"Hey Todoroki what would you like, you never come this late, it is almost 7" You replied back. He looked really tired though. Maybe him and his father got into an arguement.

"Just my usually please, also can I ask you something?" He said.

"Yeah sure go ahead" You said back getting out the stuff to make his blended coffee.

"So I know how you said your grandma won't be home for christmas and that you will be alone. This year will be the first time with my mother since the incident, I already talk to her about this and she said it is fine. Would you like to join me and my mother for Christmas?" He asked. It sounded like he really wanted to get that off his chest.

Damn and I thought I only talked alot. If I say yes it will feel like I am in the way.

"I dont want to be in the way of your bonding time with your mother. I wouldn't want to make anything uncomfortable" You told him. You honestly hoped it hurt his feelings and he wouldn't ask you again. You like him but, it is his time not yours.

"Like I said (Y/n), my mother said it is fine and besides I want you there with me" he replied. Well with an answer like that how can you really say no?

"Okay then, I will go. Thank you so much for inviting me Todoroki!" You finish making his coffee and get the shop all closed for the night. You walk together until his street comes up and you head to the hospital.


You were only there 2 days ago but it feels like it's been forever. I hope Nana is still okay? I haven't got any calls so why wouldnt she be. Ugh (Y/n) don't think like that!

You ask the doctor to escort you to room 243 and knock quietly .

"Nana it's me (Y/n)" as you walk into the semi-lit room.

You hear an old but easily recognizable beautiful voice "Oh (Y/n)!! How i've missed you how is work, ya gotta boyfriend yet." She says with a smirk on her face.

"Oh my god Nana we talked about this, you and my work come first before a boyfriend" You tell her and kiss her cheek.

"Ah thanks honey. Do you still have a crush on that duel haired boy? He is a nice one huh?" Oh my did she really just say that...

"Ugh yes grandma but he probably thinks of us as just good friends. In fact he invited be to stay at his mother's with him for christmas and I said yes."

"Wow (Y/n) I didn't know you were that type of girl. What changed ya sweet cheeks?" Nana started laughing histarically while you cry internally.

"Nana!! I got to go before it gets super late, I just came to check on you. Love you Nana!!" You give her a hug and head out the door.


sorry for the wait. School just started again....

*cries internally"

Luh you


𝓐 𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓲 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼🎄 || Shoto Todoroki X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now