Chapter 1

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Claudia stared at her father's corpse, tears cascading down her face. How had she let that awful elf do this? How had her family become so very broken? Her mother had left her and so had Soren. And now Claudia's dad was... was dead. Claudia shook her head, she didn't want to believe that he was gone. Trying to quiet her sobs, Claudia decided she had to do something. Her dad was her only family left. She couldn't lose him too but what could she do? She decided to move her father's body to a cave knowing that the vile elves would come soon.

After Claudia was in the cave she sat down and thought about her options. She couldn't bring her father back to life, could she? As Claudia sat by herself in the cave with just her father's cold corpse to keep her company her thoughts drifted to where everything had gone wrong. It had all started with the dragon prince. That stupid dragon had caused her family to be torn apart with the help of that moon shadow elf, Rayla. Rayla had killed her father and had tricked both Callum and Ezran into trusting her. If Rayla had never shown up then Claudia's life and family would be fine. Claudia began to shake with rage as hatred filled her heart. Hatred towards Zym and Rayla. Hatred towards Soren for leaving her. Hatred towards the princes. Hatred towards herself. Hatred towards all of Xadia. If only she could go back in time and fix everything. That's when the idea hit her. She had used magic to create an illusion. What if she could create an even more powerful one? One that could fix everything? But she would need more than a basic illusion spell for that though. Just then she noticed her dad's bug friend enter the cave. That caterpillar thing had helped her dad, maybe it could help her too.

" bug thing," Claudia said, "Do you think you could help me with a powerful spell. One that could fix everything?" The caterpillar stared at her then crawled up onto her back and settled on her shoulders. A deep mystical voice filled her ear as the caterpillar spoke, "I should be able too. What do you want?"

"I want to go back before all of this happened when I still had my family and friends," Claudia said trying her best not to squirm away from the giant worm.

"I can't undo what's been done." The bug whispered.

"I know but I was thinking about maybe some kind of an illusion," Claudia offered, " Can you help me?" The bug seemed to consider before nodding.

"Yes, I will help you," The caterpillar said, " Just hold the scepter, focus on what you want the illusion to look like, and I'll do the rest."

"So in this new reality, I can make it be whatever I want it to be?" Claudia asked as she picked up the scepter.

"Yes just think about what you want and it will become real," The caterpillar answered, "Are you ready?" Claudia looked once again at her dead father then raised the scepter and nodded. A strange chanting filled her ears and she felt a familiar rush as dark magic coursed through her body. There would be no room in her new world for elves, dragons, or wars. All she wanted was to regain everything she had lost. Everything was going to be okay, she was going to fix everything.

###Authors Note###

Why hello Readers, it's me the author of this fine story. I'm so glad you decided to read my Fanfic and trust me it's gonna get good! I finished watching season 3 of TDP and after rewatching it like four times an idea came to me. I had a little brainstorm session that eventually led to me sitting here and writing this author's note. Please let me know what you think and thanks again for taking the time to read my story! - HappyLlama160

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