Chapter 19

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Ezran stood outside the throne room trying to keep his emotions together. He knew that his dad was dead, but there was an exact illusion of him behind this door, and he wanted some closure. So he opened the doors and entered to find his dad reading messages while he sat on his throne. He looked up as Ezran entered and gave him a winning smile.

"Hey, you back for another game of hide-and-go-seek," Harrow asked as he stood up and walked over. Ezran ran over to his dad and gave him a tight hug. Harrow knelt and returned Ezran's hug.



"I'm sorry that I couldn't be the king you wanted me to be, but I did what I thought was right."

"What are you talking about," Harrow said as he pulled away to look Ezran in the eyes.

"Nothing too important, but Dad, I love you," Ezran said

"I love you too Ezran," Harrow said, "And know that I'm proud of you and who you're becoming. You will make a great king one day, and I know you will right some of my wrongs."

Ezran hugged his dad one more time, not wanting to let go, but knowing that he was needed elsewhere.

"I have to go," Ezran muttered, "I love you, dad."

"I love you more than you know Ezran," Harrow said giving Ezran one more squeeze. Ezran extracted himself from the hug and turned to leave giving his dad one more quick hug before he left. Ezran made it out of the throne room before the tears came. He missed his dad terribly, but at least he had been able to say a proper goodbye this time. Ezran and Bait headed into the secret passages, after all, they had places to be and evil spells to break.


Callum was worried because Ezran hadn't shown up yet.

"I'm sure Ez is fine," Rayla said squeezing Callum's hand, "He's probably on his way right now."

"Yeah you're probably right," Callum said offering her a thankful smile. He was so glad to have Rayla back. Unable to help himself, he suddenly leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss.

"Not that I'm complaining," Rayla said flushing, "But what was that for."

"Oh, so I can't give the most beautiful and talented girl ever a kiss just because she's amazing?" Callum said with a teasing smile. Rayla laughed, but she was blushing, it was cute to see her flustered. He loved everything about her, except maybe her willingness to sacrifice herself for the greater good. They would work on that. After all, he couldn't have her dying on him.

"Hey, guys!" Ezran said as he and Bait came around the corner, "Rayla! Zym! You guys are safe, thank goodness." Ezran charged Rayla and gave her a crushing hug.

"I hate to interrupt," Callum said, "but we should get moving. I don't know about you but I'm ready to go home."

"Me too," Ezran said as he started to press the secret combination, "Oh Rayla I brought you a sword."

"Really?" Rayla looked around, spotted the sword, and picked it up, "It looks like one of Soren's."

"That's cause it is," Ezran said as he finished the combination, "I knew he wouldn't mind you using it."

"Thanks, Ez," Rayla said as she bent to pick up Zym as the stairs appeared.

"Wait," Ezran spoke, "Could I carry him?" Rayla nodded and Ezran picked Zym up instead.

"Okay let's do this," Callum said as he led the way down the stairs followed closely by Rayla, Ezran, and Bait. This was it, they were so close to fixing everything and going home. Callum just hoped that nothing went wrong.


Claudia grabbed the key from off the hook and then started down the hall with a blanket in hand. When she reached the door she paused. Claudia wasn't quite sure what she was doing, this elf had killed her dad. Shouldn't Claudia have killed Rayla by now? But instead, she was bringing the elf a blanket. Despite everything, Claudia felt a sliver of pity for the elf, so gathering herself she unlocked the door.

Claudia blinked once, then twice, before believing her eyes. The cell was empty and hatred filled her. She screamed and threw the blanket on the ground. Claudia was so upset with herself, she should've killed the elf when she had the chance. No, she would get another chance and this time she would make sure the elf was left died. Claudia would fix this all by herself. She didn't have to involve her father, plus she didn't want him to know of her failure. There was only one place the elf could've gone, her dad's secret office. Claudia stood up and left the cell, knowing one thing for sure, Rayla was as good as dead.    

###Author's Note###

Happy Holidays! Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, I know I did! Things are about to get crazy in the story so it might take me a little longer to write the chapters but I'll still try to update regularly. Thanks so much for your support and let me know what you think! -HappyLlama160

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