Chapter 27

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The last thing Rayla remembered was Callum holding her in his arms as she bled to death. Rayla had looked into Callum's tear-filled eyes and her heart had broken. She hadn't wanted to leave him, but Rayla knew she would never regret her choice because it had saved his life. But as she had laid there dying all she had wanted was for Callum to hold her safe in his arms and never let her go. She was currently trying to regain consciousness but her mind was having trouble waking up. Rayla's eyelids were as heavy as lead and her head felt like it was filled with rocks. As she regained her sense of touch Rayla was confused because it felt like she was lying in a bed and not in a coffin. She groggily opened her eyes and squinted them against the bright sunlight flooding the room. Rayla saw the blurry outline of someone standing above her and as he came into focus she became even more confused.

"Ethari? What are you doing here?" Rayla asked her words slightly slurred, "That's it then, I must be dead."

Ethari shook his head, "You're not dead Rayla."

"That's good," Rayla said as her head started to clear, "Right?"

"Yes, it is good."

"Where's Callum?" Rayla asked. She had thought that he would be here.

"He's right behind me," Ethari said as he moved aside so she could see Callum. He was sitting in a chair next to her bed and he wasn't moving.

Rayla gasped, "Oh no, is he okay?" She tried to sit up, biting back a yelp of pain, as her wound screamed at her to stop. Ethari put a hand on her shoulder.

"Callum's fine Rayla."

"Are you sure," Rayla said frantically, "He doesn't look fine. He looks exhausted and he isn't moving!"

"Callum's exhausted from worrying about you," Ethari said as he pushed Rayla back down into her pillows, "He'll be up any second. But I need you to calm down and clear your mind, your heads probably still groggy."

Rayla bit her lip and looked over at Callum. She took a deep breath and tried her best to remain calm. Ethari was right before long Callum started to stir. Rayla watched as Callum opened his eyes and relief flooded through her to see him okay.

"I'll let you two catch up," Ethari said as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as the door closed Callum sprung out of his chair and engulfed Rayla in a crushing hug. Rayla held back a gasp of pain and wrapped her arms around him too. She buried her face in his neck. Rayla started crying like a baby, but Callum was too so it didn't matter. All that mattered was that she was once again in Callum's arms.

"Thank you for saving my life," Callum whispered with such emotion his voice shook, "But if you ever try to die on me again I swear I'll kill you."

Rayla let out a watery laugh and Callum held her tighter, "I love you, Callum."

Callum let out a sob, "I love you too Rayla."

"What's wrong Callum?"

"It's just I didn't think I'd ever get to hold you or hear your voice again," Callum said as he held on to Rayla for dear life.

Fresh tears sprung to Rayla's eyes, "I'm right here Callum, I'm not going anywhere. No one's going to hurt me."

Callum pulled away just enough to meet Rayla's eyes and Rayla saw fear in his eyes. There was something he wasn't telling her.

A look of determination crossed over Callum's face, "I promise that I won't let anyone or anything hurt you, ever again."

Rayla cupped Callums face in her hands and leaning forward she gave Callum a kiss filled with all the relief, hope, and love she felt. Callum earnestly returned the kiss. Rayla placed her hands on his chest and Callum gently slid his arms around her waist, drawing her closer to him. Rayla wasn't exactly sure what caused it but a sharp pain ran through her body, and she let out a gasp of pain.

Callum broke the kiss and held her at arm's length, concern crossing his features, "Are you okay?"

"I guess I'm as okay as someone with a stab wound can be," Rayla said grimacing against the pain.

"Here, I'll go get the doctor," Callum said as helped to lower Rayla back into her pillows. They both had puffy eyes from crying and were also still flustered from the kiss.

"Wait," Rayla said grabbing Callum's hand, "I had a weird dream involving a younger me, a strange elf, and you. And I have a feeling that it wasn't a dream."

"I'll tell you all about it after I get the doctor," Callum said as he bent down and placed a kiss on Rayla's head, "Let's just say it was my turn to save you."

"Does that make us even then?" Rayla asked.

"Yeah, and let's keep it that way," Callum said giving Rayla's hand one more squeeze before leaving to fetch the doctor. She watched him leave with a smile on her face. Rayla loved that dorky human with all her heart. Sighing she rested her head against the pillows and tried not to cry out due to the immense pain in her abdomen. The only other time Rayla had felt pain like this was when her hand was slowly falling off. But the pain from the wound was a small price to pay for Callum to be alive and well. So she would bear the pain and be grateful that both of them were still breathing.

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