Introducing Characters

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Tamia – a 27-year-old Lesbian from Ohio. She's been with men before, but she knows that she isn't destined to be with a male. She's been married her first love after her mom died (there will be a flashback). She is still legally MARRIED but has been separated for years and doesn't speak to her "Wife". She does have a daughter with her ex-wife but isn't aloud to see or talk to her. Tamia is one of the main characters in the book. In case you're into astrological signs, she is a Capricorn. She has no biological children, but she does have a donor for artificial insemination. Tamia does work 2 jobs. One job is a call center and the other she works at a bar. She's very much a homebody, but you'll notice that the more you read.

Jerriena – a 28-year-old from Mississippi. She does have a 7-year-old son name Jameson. She has also been married. Her wife and her still communicate via email which Tamia does find out about. She is an Aquarius. She doesn't work legally, but she does hustle by flipping stuff, phones, TV's, cars etc.  Jerriena is way different than Tamia, but somehow, she can't let her go no matter what she does to her. We call this toxic at its best!

Kylie – Jerriena's wife. I don't know her exact age. She is the very opposite of Tamia. She's full figured but she does dress very well as does Tamia. She is very thick all around, some would consider her a "bbw" but Jerriena has referred to the woman as fat. Tamia's opinion will be told in the book. Kylie does have a fiancé, but she still entertains Jerriena even though she knows she doesn't want to be with her, its just nice to know that Jerriena is OBSESSED with her... Or is she now obsessed with Tamia??

Jameson – Jerriena's son. He's 7. Being raised by a single black woman that's now a stud (she's a stem in the beginning) but she's always been very dominant. He's the only child and Tamia was told that Jameson's dad was deceased, but Jerriena's cousin told Tamia a different story. Jameson pretty much is aloud to do whatever he wants, Jerriena doesn't discipline him, she does yell at him almost the whole day and threaten to whoop him but never really does, so you can see that he's smart enough to realize he won't get whooped he will just get yelled at. Jameson is a different kind of child. Aside from home life he is in the first grade. He's moved a lot his life because of course he moves wherever his mom goes. He's never really had a stable environment for a long time. He and his mom mess that up together. All I can say about him, is he's bad and during this book you will want to beat his ass, pray for him and beat the hell out his mom. Also, you'll realize it's not his fault he's bad.

Shayne – She's now 33 but was 32 when she dated Tamia. She's Tamia's ex that also treated her horribly, but now they're friends and she pretty much is very protective of her. Shayne is a versatile female (she dresses as a fem and stud). She does have a son and she also has a new girlfriend. Her and Tamia talk on and off, more so when Tamia is feeling down, she will hit up Shayne and vent. There's never any flirting though, because Shayne hurt Tamia and Tamia's heart is with someone else ...

Camille – Tamia's 29-year-old God sister. She's very loving and doesn't judge Tamia for what she does, she just doesn't want her to keep hurting. Camille has a boyfriend and he's like a big brother to Tamia, so TRUST me she doesn't look at Tamia like anything except a younger sister. Lol.

Bee – Bee is Tamia's "Best friend". She's known Tamia since high school, but they only said "hi" and "bye" because Bee was a grade lower than Tamia. They did mess around on and off for a couple years after Bee graduated. Bee is just a nickname and Bee calls Tamia "Rae" They only messed around when they were both single. Yes, they're both feminine, but that's fine. Bee has also had her share of bad relationships. Her and Tamia have had their small fall outs the longest one lasting over a year they didn't speak. Bee and Tamia don't have feelings for each other... they're truly just best friends. All best friends don't agree on EVERYTHING though. So, let's see how strong of a bond they have.

P- P is someone that Tamia does have feelings for. They after she met Shayne. She has a pure heart and her and Tamia's friendship is up and down. They have an unbreakable bond. She is from Las Vegas but later relocates to Texas. She is African and one of the most beautiful females that Tamia ever laid eyes on. She's single most of the time. She works hard and goes to college. She's smart and beautiful. Her astrological sign is a Virgo. Her and Tamia's relationship/friendship will surprise you.


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