Chapter 1- Tamia AND Shayne

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Tamia's POV

I literally cannot for the life of me understand why Shayne can't just love me. I don't understand how someone that claim's they love you can treat you the way she treats me. Yes, I'm in Ohio and she's in Texas, but I'm still trying to make things work even though she was disrespectful when I was just there. Shayne is a beautiful person on the outside... but those actions from last week kind of make me not want to talk to her.

She was in the wrong for having her "fuck buddy" at her house when I was there, and then had the nerve to act like we were just friends. Me going to the Airbnb after for a couple days seemed like it helped. When I was back at her house, she seemed like she was happy, and we had the best sex I ever had. Now that I'm back in Ohio its like I'm doing everything wrong. She's not sweet to me anymore. At this point I know she has someone better than me. I see some girl writing on her wall calling her wifey, but she swears that's just her bestie (she's cute though), but I also know Shayne flirts with any girl that's attractive and gives her attention.

She doesn't sleep on the phone with me anymore, she doesn't post me on her page like she used to. I feel like the only time she ever calls me is when she needs money for her nails, or she wants me to pay for Door dash. She doesn't text me like she used to. How is it someone can use you? I feel like she only wants me because I never let her go without. I really think I just need to talk to Bee about this, but I already know she isn't feeling Shayne after the situation from Texas.

Tamia to Bee: Hey Bee!!!

Bee: Wassup Rae?

Tamia: I'm FSTOW Bruh

Bee: Biiiiitch I know this isn't about Shayne's ass, I still want to smack that bitch after what she pulled in Texas. But what's going on?

Tamia: I know you don't like her Bee, but I do love her. And I just need you to be here for me to vent like a best friend should! But basically, she's just acting like a real bitch. And biiiiitch why is there some girl calling her wifey on her wall and her pics. She's a cute lil stud fr so I know that's not just her bestie! She swears they don't even talk all like that. Bruh I'm so close to just be8ing done with her!

Bee: Rae... you NEED to be done with Shayne. After what she pulled in Texas when YOU spent YOUR money to see her ugly ass! Bitch like I just can't deal like at all. And bitch just message the girl and see what's going on. Why would Shayne block the girl if they're just friends? Hell, she blocks you all the time and yall basically talk on a different level.

Tamia: Best friend you're right she doesn't even deserve me and if I find out its more with this girl than just her friend I will be done. And that's just a fact. I'm over people using me and trying to make me feel dumb. Shayne is so manipulative anyways. I messaged the girl I'm just waiting on her response... bruh just pray for me lol



(Bee isn't texting back because she's at work lol she's not ignoring Tamia)


As you can see, Tamia is getting cheated on by Shayne. Shayne is talking to another girl and of course that's hurting Tamia. Tamia and the girl have now talked, and she's told Tamia everything. Shayne told her "bestie" that she is using Tamia because she knows that Tamia won't say no. She's even asked her to send her money and Shayne sent the money to the "bestie". Tamia and the "bestie" are planning to do a 3-way call without Shayne knowing so she can be caught in the lie. If Shayne is caught in the lie, then that means Tamia will once be single again but at the same time Tamia is unsure if that will be enough for her to stop messing with Shayne despite what she's told her best friend.

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