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Of course P would call me when I'm trying to go back to sleep. I really need a nap and I already know she's calling to really talk. I'm sure she knows somethings up because I really haven't been talking to her. I miss her...don't get me wrong, I'm feeling Jerriena though. It seems like its just less complicated with her. I know that P is still living and in contact with her ex. Jerriena on the other hand said that she doesn't even talk to her wife anymore and she's states away from her. I feel like with me and P its the right person, but wrong time. I wish she didn't have attachments, she would be the perfect one for me. I guess I'll just text her and see why she called.

Tamia: Hey! You called?

P ♥: Yea

Tamia: Wassup?

P ♥: Why didn't you answer?

Tamia: I was trying to go back to sleep. I had the boys last night.

P ♥: I guess Tamia

Tamia: Bruh please don't start. You called so wassup

P ♥: Nevermind Tamia, I don't even feel like texting that's why I called.. But nevermind.

Tamia: See that's all you had to say... Just call me

P ♥: I did and you didn't answer

Tamia: Bruh don't be a smartass, you know wtf I mean

P ♥: I'm not being a smartass, I called and instead of answering you let it go to voicemail and texted me. You can call me though

Tamia: Alright I'm bout to call you now, but I do want to take a nap soon

*Calls P & She Declines It*

Tamia: I just called you! Why did you decline the call bruh

P ♥: I wanted you to facetime me.

Tamia: For all that couldn't you have just Facetimed me lol... You're extra asf

P ♥: Lol I don't care, I'll be extra. Facetime me

Tamia: I swear you be doing the most, but okay lol. Answer this time bruh

P ♥: My name isn't bruh lol okay call now

*Facetimes P*

Tamia: (rolling here eyes) wassup P

P: ugh don't roll your eyes

Tamia: I'm just saying you're extra as fuck and taking away from my nap time

P: Well its not like you been talking to me anyways TAMIA (emphasizes her name)

Tamia: I hate when you say my name like that P

P: Well make time for me and talk to me more and I won't say your name like that

Tamia: (rolls her eyes and scratches her head) I just been busy P. My bad

P: Busy doing what? You already told me your attorney said you could quit and you did so what could you be possibly busy doing? When are you coming here anyways?

Tamia: Yeah I did quit. I'm waiting for that check to come. I need to pay up all my bills. I've just been busy cleaning and stuff. I don't know when Ima come though. I'll let you know I promise

P: Okay. How do you feel about quitting. How has your anxiety been? You been taking your meds? Cleaning what Tamia? You're always cleaning and like I said before... You're only ever in your office, basement or kitchen. Why you cleaning so much?

Tamia: Cleaning helps my anxiety honestly, it distracts me and I just watch Netflix while I clean. I told you before this house is cluttered with my landlords stuff, so I've just been moving stuff to the garage and organizing stuff. I have nothing but time, so why not. Yes I've been taking my meds and my anxiety has been up and down. I'm just sleepy forreal

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