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Tamia felt a little down about the fact she and P couldn't talk so she finally gave in and told Jerriena that she would video call her on Facebook Messenger when she gets out the shower. P doesn't know about Jerriena yet, and Tamia told her that she wasn't going to talk to any females. The last thing P told her was to text her and "I love you". Tamia is now taking a bubble bath and charging her phone. In her mind no matter how much her and Jerriena have in common... she is just a friend to talk to while P can't talk to her.


I really hate that I can't talk to P. This is getting irritating. I know she won't trip if I tell her tomorrow that I was on video chat with a friend. I've never even talked to this girl before aside from messaging her. She's attractive and we have so much in common.

Tamia to Jerriena: Hey you still up to video chat?
Jerriena to Tamia: yea just call me

*calls Jerriena on messenger video*


Tamia calls Jerriena and when she heard her voice for the first time, she couldn't do anything but smile. Jerriena has a southern accent and also a deeper voice. That instantly attracted Tamia to her. She's always had a thing for accents. While on video chat, Jerriena keeps telling Tamia how beautiful she is and tells her how sexy she is. There is some interruption and commotion because Jerriena's son is acting a little wild. Again, he is 7, so Tamia understands he may just want his mom's attention. They continue talking and Jerriena asks Tamia why she's single and she tells her all about Shayne and what she did to her. They talk about Jerriena's wife Kylie and how horrible she was to her. Jerriena tells her about how Kylie was pregnant, and she didn't know until after they were married. She tells her how she's never even seen the girl. She blows Tamia away by instantly asking her "are you going to have me a baby girl" and Tamia tells her "I think you should get to know me more before we talk about anything serious lol" Jerriena smiles and tells her she's right. Just then, Tamia gets a call from P...


*Incoming Call From P*

Tamia: Sorry about that someone was calling my phone, and it makes the video cut out
Jerriena: oh, it's cool
Tamia: so, what else should I know about you
Jerriena: lol what would you like to know
Tamia: well, what do you do for work? Like what's your occupation
Jerriena: I sell cars baby
Tamia: Oh, that's Wassup. I've sold cars before. Now I work for a call center, but I work from home.
Jerriena: have you ever been to Mississippi?
Tamia: yes, I have. I've been to 48/50 states lol. My aunt and uncle are truckdrivers, and when I was younger, I went on the road with them. I used to live in Biloxi for a month though. What part of Mississippi are you in? My best friend lives in MS and I'm supposed to be coming to visit her and my nephew in a couple weeks.
Jerriena: I live in Jackson, it's close to Canton MS. Where does your best friend stay?
Tamia: lol honestly, I don't even remember the name of where she lives, all I know is its country as fuck and they don't have uber eats lol. I'm going to get a hotel when I come there though.
Jerriena: that's Wassup, you better let me know when you're in town.
Tamia: I'll be pretty busy when I'm there lol its only going to be for a week and I don't know if I'm flying there or if I'll be buying a car by then
Jerriena: well I have cars so I can come and see you. Are you sure you're just coming to see your best friend lol
Tamia: (smiles) lol yes, I'm sure. My best friend is straight, and she knows I made my plenty of fish with hopes of meeting someone so when I'm there and she's at work I'm not bored.
Jerriena: I'm only asking because my wife had us in Texas living with some girl that she said was her friend but really it was her bitch.
Tamia: omg that's crazy! How did you find out that they were together?
Jerriena: Basically, my sister found out that my wife's name in her phone was under something cute and she read their text messages.
Tamia: oh, wow that's crazy, how did you marry her and live with her and not know
Jerriena: She rushed the marriage. She asked me to marry her but she's really a messy bitch
Tamia: do you miss her? Like are you still in love with her? Are you over her?
Jerriena: Hell no I don't miss her or love her. That bitch is fake, and my family thinks she was lying about being pregnant. Hell, they asked me how I didn't know, and I said because I just thought she was big. And yes, I'm over her baby I'm trying to make you mine! Do you still talk to your wife? Because I don't want no ex drama.
Tamia: (laughs loud) girl no! I haven't talked to my wife in two years. I have a daughter with her, but she won't let me talk to her because she's bitter but honestly, I wish her nothing but happiness. Trust I won't be talking to her. I wish she would sign those papers but I see I'm going to have to actually put an ad in the paper in her city... she lives in Virginia so basically if she doesn't respond to the ad in 4 weeks the divorce is granted. Trust me, I'm not worried about her and she's not worried about me. I married her because yes, I loved her, but I married her to fill a void from my mom passing. I didn't realize it until after we had been married for a few months. I told her I just needed time to figure it out and figure out how to cope better but she wanted to be back in Virginia wither family. I just feel like her mentality was not where I needed it to be. She was used to living with her mom, and I'm an adult. I've lived on my own and paid my own bills which she didn't understand. I'm ready to really be loved and understood. I've had some bad relationships and I now love myself and I know my worth. Wheww sorry I had to just vent and get all that out.
Jerriena: its okay baby. I like hearing you talk. It sounds like you been through a lot and I'm not here to hurt you. I've been hurt so no I won't hurt you I promise.


Just when that conversation was getting deep, Tamia notices that Jerriena's son Jameson comes in the room. He is a cute kid, but she can tell he doesn't listen. That's one thing that Tamia can't stand is a child that isn't disciplined correctly. He gets on video chat and ask's Jerriena "Is that my new mom" and to Tamia's surprise, Jerriena replies to her son and says, "I'm trying to make her your new mom". In a way it made Tamia smile, but she also thought to herself, "well damn how many moms has this kid had" She just smiled and laughed it off. Her and Jerriena attempt to keep talking, but every few seconds she's yelling at her son to stop, "don't touch that", "leave that alone" "go sit down". In Tamia's head it sounds like he's bad as fuck and she realized she NEVER had to yell at her 3-year-old daughter like that. When Jerriena finally came back to the phone she said "Sorry, my son is bad as fuck and need his ass beat". Tamia told her, yeah it seems like it. If you ever bring him here, make sure he minds his manners because one thing I won't put up with is a disrespectful child and an unruly one. I don't believe in temper tantrums, I believe in whooping kids, when they act out.

Tamia and Jerriena have now been on video chat for hours. She was finally able to put her son to sleep. Clearly Tamia is already having second thoughts about conversating with Jerriena because of her child.


Tamia's Daughter: "mom mom I love you"
Tamia: "I love you too princess"
Tamia's Daughter: mom mom, you're so beautiful
Tamia: "Thank you my big girl, so are you"
Tamia's Daughter: "mom mom I'm sorry I got into your glue (hair glue)"
Tamia: "its okay, you are a big girl now and you know what's right and wrong. Mom mom doesn't like to give you whooping, so you have to listen and be good okay princess"
Tamia's Daughter: "I know mom mom. I'm your big girl, I'm three"
Tamia: "yes you're my big girl and I love you so so much"
Tamia's Daughter: "I love you so so much"

*Flashback Over*

Tamia has been missing her child more and more lately, possibly because her daughters 5th birthday is coming up and she hasn't talked to her in years, but she has sent gifts and emails with no reply. She already told Jerriena that she was in the process of finding a donor, so she could get pregnant and have a child of her own. Tamia in a way feels like if she has her own child, she can fill that void from her mom passing, but at the same time she knows its not the same.

Tamia and Jerriena are now talking and its close to 3am. So far, the only thing she doesn't like is how it doesn't seem like her son has been disciplined. Other than that, Tamia really likes the vibe. Plus, she really loves Jerriena's voice and accent. They both have been making fun of each other for hours because of how they say words differently. Lol, Tamia is slowly getting horny just off Jerriena's voice. You know how someone has that "sleepy voice", well Jerriena's is Tamia's weakness already. She's trying her hardest to control herself but all she can do is blush. Her and Jerriena's conversations are getting better and better and they realize how late it is and she tells her that she's tired and they both look at the time to realize its already 4:56am.


I'm so sleepy, but I know I don't want to get off this phone. Her energy is good for the most part. Not to mention that VOICE AND ACCENT GOOD God!

Tamia: are you going to sleep soon?
Jerriena: yeah, I have to get up with my son for school in a little bit. You sleepy?
Tamia: hell yeah I'm sleepy, plus I can't handle your voice anymore (blushing)
Jerriena: my voice isn't even sexy lol you just trying to make me feel like you like me
Tamia: girl no, your voice is sexy as fuck and it makes me not want to get off the phone.
Jerriena: good because I don't want to get off the phone either baby
Tamia: omg don't call me baby, the way you say it... like your accent and voice on top of that does something to me lol
Jerriena: what you mean baby
Tamia: see you doing that on purpose... you aint shit.
Jerriena (laughing) man you gonna make me have to come to Ohio and wife that ass.
Tamia: lol you playing girl
Jerriena: no baby I'm serious. I was going to move to Texas, but maybe I will come to Ohio instead
Tamia: Yeah yeah whatever you say
Jerriena: I'm serious baby
Tamia: Can you hold on a minute; my foster mom keeps blowing up my messenger and I think something is wrong. I'm going to call her and then I will call you right back.
Jerriena: yeah


Tamia calls her foster mom back and it actually there is something wrong. Her foster mom is crying and said that her ex-boyfriend raped her and told her to kill herself. She shows Tamia all the cuts and Tamia instantly starts asking where the kids are (they're teenagers). Her foster mom says that the kids are asleep, and Tamia starts crying, because she's never really seen her foster mom cry. While she's on the phone with her foster mom she messages Jerriena and tells her it was an emergency and she will call her right back and to not fall asleep. Jerriena just replies and says ok. Tamia was able to calm her mama down and tells her to go make a police report and to go to the hospital and get checked out. Her mama told her she was going to go in an hour when her brother wakes up. Tamia tells her mama to call her when she gets there, and to keep her updated.


Let me call this girl back. I can't believe my mama is going through this. It just makes no sense at all. She taught us to be strong and she's really going through it.

Tamia: Hey sorry about that, my mama never calls me and messages me back to back like that, so I knew something was wrong.
Jerriena: I get it, is she okay? What happened (looking annoyed)
Tamia: basically, her ex dude came over and raped her and told her to kill herself.
Jerriena: are you serious (looks genuinely concerned)
Tamia: yes, I seen the marks from her cutting herself. I can't lose another mom. She's been in my life damn near half of my life. Ima have my foster sister check up on her in the morning, but I know I won't be able to sleep for the next hour till she goes and files a report and gets checked out.
Jerriena: can I ask you something?
Tamia: of course, babe. What's up?
Jerriena: how do you know she's not lying just to try to get close to you?
Tamia: are you serious right now? Why would she have to lie to get close to me? She's like a mom to me!
Jerriena: I'm just asking that's all, I'm sorry
Tamia: well trust me my mama wouldn't lie, plus like I said I seen the marks from her cutting herself!
Jerriena: damn I'm sorry baby, I hope she's okay. I can't stand men and how they treat women
Tamia: me too! If my foster siblings find out they will kill him.
Jerriena: men like that don't deserve to live. I would never treat a woman like that.
Tamia: me neither, I've had people put their hands on me and its not a good feeling
Jerriena: well baby that's not me. I don't put my hands-on women.
Tamia: that's good to hear, but I've been told that before. Are you ready to go to sleep?
Jerriena: yeah, I can nap until its time for me to get up, and baby I'm not your exes don't compare me because I won't put my hands on you.
Tamia: oh no love I wasn't comparing you, I was just saying I've had people tell me they wouldn't ever do that, and they did. So, for me it's all about actions.
Jerriena: nah baby I'm all about respect and I don't mind showing you.
Tamia: okay I hear you, lets get some sleep though, lol you aren't going to want to get up to get your son ready for school.
Jerriena: lol I'll be fine baby
Tamia: omg I hope I hear the alarm if you don't. What time do you have to wake him up?
Jerriena: (looks at time) lol in 30 minutes
Tamia: well you better take you a power nap then, lol one thing about me is I love naps
Jerriena: I can't wait till you can take a nap in my arms.
Tamia: hmmm that sounds good. Goodnight love
Jerriena: goodnight baby


Tamia and Jerriena did fall asleep and sure enough they both heard that alarm lol. Jerriena turned the light on and then back off and told Tamia she would just take her son to school later. They both laughed and went to sleep on the phone.
The next morning, well a few hours later... Tamia woke up to her phone going off. Of course, it was P calling her. She answered and told P she was sleepy, and she didn't fall asleep till just a couple hours ago. P told her to get some rest and she would call her back on her break. Tamia told her "okay bae, I love you" and P said "I love you too baby, sleep well... because you are getting woke up on my break lol" and Tamia replied and said " lol alright baby have a good day at work". They hung up the phone and Tamia went back to sleep.
A couple hours later before P could even call her Tamia woke up. She realized that she had a few messages on Facebook from Jerriena and smiled...

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