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Bee: (7:00pm) Tamia why did you send me that. I love yu too.

Bee: (7:15pm) RAE!

Bee: (7:22pm) Rae are yu okay

(2) Missed Facetime Call From ♥ Best Friend Bee ♥

(4) Missed Call From ♥ Best Friend Bee ♥

Bee: (7:41pm) Rae reply or answer my call now im worried

Bee: (8:01pm) Tamia? I will call your dad, don't play with me!

Bee: (8:16pm) Rae! You better not have done anything stupid. You must be sleep


(CRYING) Man what am I going to do? My best friend isn't answering, and I got a feeling she did something stupid. I know how it is to be depressed. I'm hoping that she's just asleep. I don't know what to do. This is giving me anxiety and I can't stop crying. I have a bad feeling about this. I don't want to text her dad and get him all worried if she is just asleep. Then again what if something is wrong and im 30 minutes away, and there's nothing I can do.

(PRAYING) God, please look over my best friend and let her be okay. I know she is feeling pain right now and I know its not easy. Please direct her on the right path. God please let her answer my call or text, so I know she's okay. I'm sorry for being so hard on her, I just was being honest. Lord please let this be a wakeup call for her. I come to you in the humblest way I can and this I pray in your name...Amen.

Man, I swear if my best friend did something stupid, I will go after Shayne. She knows damn well Tiana is a good ass person. I can't stand a user. It blows my mind that she would even still be talking to the girl. Tell me something, would you still talk to someone if they put their hands on you the first time they met you, had their fuck buddy at their house while you were there, keeps asking you for money, played on your phone like they were another female around your girlfriend? In my opinion, Shayne is super childish, manipulative, rude and to top it off she can't even blend her foundation right. Yeah, that's right I'm the petty best friend that will tell the truth and truth is, she needs to learn how to blend and pick the right damn color foundation instead of worrying about what my best friend is doing. I'm going to call Rae one more time and if she doesn't answer, I'll call her dad.


Meanwhile while Bee is worried about Tamia, Shayne is being selfish. Tamia did something stupid and took some pills. Well not some but like 10 Aleve. The stress from Shayne overwhelmed Tamia and then when Bee kind of told her about herself just hurt her feelings. She started thinking about her mom and just wanted to see her mom and talk to her again. Tamia was literally crying for hours so she was already tired from crying and plus she took 10 pills and that knocked her out a little bit. Thankfully it was Aleve and not something stronger


(Throwing Up) Omg this is so horrible. I don't feel good at all and I don't remember what I dreamed about. All I remember is taking a couple pills for this headache from crying. When I just threw up it seemed like way more than a couple. Did I just really try to kill myself with Aleve. I've never tried to kill myself ever, like not even when my mom died. I've thought about killing myself though. I've literally made up so many scenarios in my head. I always thought about cutting the main vein in my arm, I've thought about walking into ongoing traffic, I've thought about jumping off a high bridge with a very narrow river, I've thought about cutting my own throat... but I've never actually attempted it until today. What's really wrong with me. Why am I this unhappy. All I ever do anymore is cry and sleep. I don't love myself and I don't feel loved by anyone. I do not want to be here on this earth. I need help.

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