Life in The Jaspar Household (Zoe's Bro)

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**Joe POV**

Mornings sucked. For one thing, I had to listen to all the traffic and wildlife outside making a racket at literally the crack of dawn. Then there was Caspar Lee, my roommate and boyfriend. He ALWAYS hogged the sheets! Honestly, every day I would wake up with maybe an inch of blanket, and there Caspar would be, sleeping soundly, all cocooned up in his little blanket fort... 

Damn it, the boy was too attractive to be mad at. 

Today was different though. We were filming another set of "Jaspar" collabs for our YouTube channels, and then I had something special planned. Caspar had absolutely no idea, and I had no intention of informing him of my surprise just yet. 

I snuck out of bed, already wide awake, due to those bloody birds outside my window. How on Earth Caspar managed to sleep through that is a mystery. 

I climbed the stairs to the main floor of our apartment, and headed straight for the kitchen. Food was always going to be my number one love. Don't get me wrong, I love Caspar. But food...

I'd just sat down on the couch with a bowl of cereal, when I heard my second-greatest love whine from downstairs. 

"Joooooooooe!" Caspar called, his South African accent just adding humour to his whinging. 

"What?" I yelled back, not wanting to get up so soon after sitting down. 

"Come here! I'm cooooooooooold!" Caspar whined loudly. I sniggered where I sat, knowing exactly why he was cold. I'd nicked the duvet, and stashed it in Caspar's closet, since he never slept in his own room anymore. 

"No, this is your payback!" I called. Cuddling with Caspar sounded amazing, but I had a bowl of food in front of me, and I knew Cas would literally inhale it if I took it downstairs. 

"But Jooooooooooooe!" I heard Caspar's voice getting louder, and I looked back over my shoulder to see him padding upstairs, still wearing his brand new TRXYE jumper and a pair of grey sweatpants that he'd used as pyjamas the night before. I, on the other hand, sat on the couch in my boxers and an old singlet. Caspar didn't take to the cold very well, despite living in London for a good few years now. 

"How on Earth are you cold in all that?" I asked, laughing at his disgruntled expression. He slunk around to sit close to me on the couch. It was a mark of how much I cared about this idiot, that I put down my cereal, and immediately opened my arms for him to cuddle into. 

It probably looked ridiculous, considering he was literally four times bigger than me. But I didn't care. I liked holding Caspar, and he liked to be held. 

"You got food, and didn't bring me any?" Caspar looked up at me through his lashes, actually attempting to pout. It was adorable, but I just laughed. 

"Sorry, Cas, all we've got left is that bran stuff." I poked his ribs. I was lying - we still had a box of Cheerios in the cupboard - but he didn't need to know that. 

"What?! You ate my corn flakes?!" Caspar jumped up and ran to the kitchen, searching frantically for the golden box of cornflakes that he tried - and failed - to keep hidden from me. 

I watched him scurry around the kitchen, my grin ever growing. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I got up off the couch and went over to my near-hysterical boyfriend. 

"Caspy, it's a joke. They're in the bottom left cupboard, behind the pasta." I reached up to rub Caspar's shoulders, and felt him relax. 

"That was mean, Joe Sugg." Caspar announced.

"Oh just go eat your cornflakes." I teased. "Good morning, by the way." 

Caspar turned around to face me, pulling me into a hug immediately. I felt his lips press against my forehead, and I smiled. 

"Good morning to you, too." Cas hugged me tight one more time, before going in search of his beloved cereal. "Love you." 

"Love you, too."

After Caspar had attained his breakfast, we sat down at the table to eat. Well, I ate. Caspar talked continuously, barely even touching his food. But this was normal for us. Cas would jab on until I finished eating, and then I would chatter at him while he inhaled his food. 

We washed up and headed back to our room, both of us immediately assuming the Browsing Position 2.0 - I would be leaning up against my pillows, while Caspar used my stomach as his pillow. The only problem was that I might have dropped my phone on his head once... or four times. 

Like I said; mornings sucked... Most days. 

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