Statues in the Dark

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The sun entered the room in pathetic rays, from the window in Dan's room. He got up, attempted to smooth 
his hair down and made his way into the kitchen. The kitchen, like his room, was gloomy and unwelcoming,
and he sighed as he flicked the lights on.  
They spat out short sharp streaks, then gave up. He swore under his breath, and went back to his room
to get dressed.  
After hurriedly shoving his frayed black jeans and worn out shirt on, he got in his car and drove to 
Phil's apartment in the next street.  
"Seriously? Dan, you drove again?!" Phil sighed as he let his boyfriend through the door. "One of these days, 
you'll get fat."  
Dan simply poked his tongue out at Phil and replied "What's the point of having the car if I can't use it?!"  
They settled down on the sofa and messed around like 6 year olds, so oblivious, so unaware of 
what was about to befall them.


Joe was on his way to pick up his brother, Filip, from uni. Filip had taken control of his life, 
decided to go to uni, get a job, and had even settled down with his girlfriend Molly, whilst Joe 
remained at home on the sofa, and Filip's private chauffeur.  
Joe sighed, as he sat in the newly washed Ford. Inside he was jealous. Jealous of how down to 
earth Filip had turned out. How Filip was at uni, studying Law, already on his way to become
a successful lawyer. How Filip had his own apartment; how Joe got turned down by so 
many girls for living with his parents. How this wasn't even his car! It was Filip's!  
Joe was startled from his brooding by Filip opening the passenger side and plonking himself down 
onto the seat.  
"Busy day?" Joe asked, putting on a curious tone.  
"Nah. Just another normal day. But alot of studying to do! Who'd choose Law, eh?!" Filip mused, 
and Joe felt relieved that he had not seen through his act.  
Not quite knowing what to say, Joe grunted as his reply and started up the car.  
They were both so blind, so unaffected by the storm that brewed ahead. 


Charlie sat in his room with his boyfriend PJ. The two of them had just been out to the shops; 
through a storm to even get to the front door; and were now sitting on the soft carpet, sorting 
out which DVD's to watch, and what food to devour first.  
"I vote all the Harry Potter's, and the spicy nachos, and then we'll go from there." Charlie suggested. 
"Hmm... what about we settle for the last 3 films of Harry Potter.." PJ was interrupted by Charlie.  
"You can't do that!" He exclaimed "It's cheating!"  
"I only suggested it as otherwise we may run out of time... but if you want to watch them all, it's ok 
with me." PJ said, and got out a bowl to place the spicy nacho's in.  
"What are you doing that for?! Eat it out of the packet silly!" Chris mocked. PJ stood still for a few 
seconds then pounced, pinning Charlie to the sofa. He brought down his mouth to his and kissed him 
softly, moving his hand down Charlie's body. Charlie blushed, and opened his legs. PJ stopped at his thigh, 
and moved his hand off. He grinned like a fool, from ear to ear, and picked up the remote which lay next to
Charlie's left leg.  
"Gets you everytime!" PJ chuckled, and turned the TV on. As the Harry Potter theme tune came on, Charlie 
snuggled up close, head on PJ's chest, their legs entwined.  
For that small moment in time, everything was right. Nothing could forsee the monstrosity to come.


Kasper leaned over his desk, to pick up the pen he had dropped behind it. This resulted in his 
leg sticking up in the air, and his bum too, which was a comic sight for any to see. And so it was seen.  
His door opened, and a young and beautiful woman walked in. She stopped as she saw Kasper in such 
a state, and stifled a giggle.  
"Doctor Leigh... do you need any assistance?" She enquired.  
Kasper blushed, and stood up, brushing himself off "I am good thankyou.. Miss..?"  
"Gabby. Call me Gabby." She replied.  
"What can I assist you with, Gabby.?" He asked.  
Out there, they were waiting. They were waiting. Waiting for the darkness to fall. And then watch the rest fall after.

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