Wedding Dress (LAST CHAPTER!!!)

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“This chapters done the story goes on…
Baby, can’t believe that you are not with me.
Cause you should be my, Lady
All I want is to set your heart free
But if you believe you belong with him;
Promise me, you won’t let anyone hurt you.
Remember I will always be right here for you
Even if it kills me to see you in that wedding dress”
-Wedding Dress
Original: Taeyang
English Cover: Reyez & Tommy C

“Wow! He looks absolutely stunning in his tuxedo. I have never seen Alfie look so presentable!” I thought to myself while Alfie walked down the aisle to take his place next to his best man. I can’t even take my eyes off of him for a second. His hair was neatly combed back with some gel. He never did that! Doesn’t surprise me that he would put out all the stops for his wedding day.

I can’t believe it’s already been five years. Five years since I went to confess to him at his job. It doesn’t even feel like it’s been that long. He really looks like he hasn’t aged. I could see him and Caspar cracking jokes while all the guests were making their ways to their seats. The venue was breathtaking.

Alfie had decided on a garden style wedding. It was wonderful weather for one, too. There a couple of rows of white chairs with light blue ribbons on each side of the podium. Surrounded by the beautiful trees decorated with white paper flowers. In front of where Jean was standing a beautiful arch made out of blue and red roses. Ha of course he’d picked those colors. He is such a nerd when it comes to symbols of flowers. Blue meant peace, openness, and serenity; while red meant passionate love.
I let out a small laugh, “You are such a, nerd.”

“So are you nervous?”, I heard Caspar ask Alfie snapping me out of my dumb thoughts.

“A little. I mean who wouldn’t be? I am throwing my whole life away just to be with this one person.”, he answered with a sheepish grin. He maybe saying that, but he is actually excited to spend his life with them. He was never really good with his feelings.

After a while of people sitting themselves and the priest showing up, is when the music started to play. My heart couldn’t stop beating. It was like a dream come true. I was just so happy that I was trying my best to not cry, and ruined the moment. I could see the excitement in Alfie’s eyes. Telling me that he was excited to spend the rest of his life with the person he loved.

The priest cleared his throat, and it began. He recited the usual stuff, “Through sickness and in health…” Blah. Blah. Blah.
“Now do you, Alfie Deyes, take Zoe Sugg to be your lawfully wedded husband?”, the priest asked. It was at that moment that the tears I had been holding in finally started to fall down my cheeks.

With a small grin in his face, “Yes. I do take this asshole as my husband.”

I clenched my fists at that. I couldn’t stop them now. The tears wouldn’t stop. My vision became blurry. My breath came in small gasps and hics. It had been five years since I went and tried to confess to Alfie. He was working that day at the cafe. It was a normal day. We had just graduated high school and were spending our summer together before we headed out of town for university.

I could see him from across the street cleaning tables with his usual scowl. We had been friends since childhood. Him saving me from bullies and me providing a safe haven for when his parents fought or his dad tried to beat him while in his drunken rages. We were so close. One could never be seen without the other.

I was so nervous, scared, and excited to confess to him. I knew he wouldn’t hate me since he was bisexual, but I was scared of getting rejected by him. I took a deep breath and crossed the street my eyes fixed on him. That was a mistake. I saw him look up with a smirk on his face, but before I could smile back something happen.
I was hit by a bus. Everything went a bit fuzzy. All I could remember was Alfie running out of the cafe screaming my name. After that everything went dark. It took me awhile to come to my senses. By that I mean that it took me a while to realize that I had died.

I have spent these past five years seeing Alfie go on with his life. At first he would cry at night, and so would I. One night he had drinking too much that he started to cry harder than I had ever seen him before. It was then...It was then his voice shaking. He then had proceeded to throw his beer bottle against the wall causing it to shatter all over the place. This ended up escalating to him smashing everything in his room while he cried. 

He had loved me. He had loved me, and now we could never be together. That night Alfie and I cried together for what seemed like forever.

Yeah I’m happy that Alfie is married to me. I’m happy that Alfie is happy. I couldn’t help look up at the pale moon shining on me. I just hope that in our next lives Alfie and I could be together.

Shit I”m going to be late for my next class! I ran around the corner of the hallway in hopes of getting to my next class before the bell rang. As I turned the corner I didn’t expect someone to be there. I ended up smacking into someone. We both fell on our asses.

“Aw  I”m s-”, I started till I saw who it was. In front of me sat a man with an undercut he looked to be in his early twenties. Cursing under his breath.

“Damn! Watch where you are go-”, he stopped when our eyes met.

He looked familiar. “Oh my! Alfie! Are you okay?”, Zoe exclaimed after noticing us on the floor. Our eyes locked onto each others.


“SHIT! The bell!”, I exclaimed I apologized and hurried to class.

“Alfie are you okay?”, she asked once more.

Alfie just got up and said, “Yeah.. I am now.” A small smile on his face as he walked towards the door hand in hand with Zoe.

The End

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