Bring Color to My Skies

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Troye's fairly intelligent. He knows that. But he didn't think he was intelligent enough to be sorted into Ravenclaw. 

He remembers the Sorting Ceremony, despite the many years that had passed since it took place. He'd sat down on a rickety wooden stool and an old, leather hat was placed on his head. There was silence, save for the mumbling of the hat above him, before the hat boomed, "Ravenclaw!"

There was a burst of applause from the respective table, and Troye was ushered off in the direction of the table. He sat next to two boys who looked strangely identical and wondered if he'd be able to live up to the expectations his house put on him.

- - -

There's only one week left until winter break, and the excitement of Christmas and going back home fills the Great Hall during breakfast. Troye is sitting in his usual place between Zoe and Dan, listening to his friends carry on conversation.

"I can't wait to go home," Dan says tiredly. "Having no schoolwork is going to be so nice."

"It's not like you did the work anyway," Jack says, grinning slightly.

"I did," Dan says in mock defense. "I just waited until the very last possible moment to do it."

"Joe and I are going back home with Alfie," Zoe says, a smile brightening her face. "I think he's a bit nervous about meeting my parents for the first time."

Charlie tilts his head. "Alfie? He's your boyfriend?"

"Gryffindor?" PJ adds.

Zoe nods and flushes slightly. "Yeah. He's really lovely. I should introduce you before break."

"Dan, you've got a boyfriend as well, right?" Finn says, turning to look at the boy.

Dan sputters on his drink and sets down the cup quickly. "Er, no. I mean -- I don't know."

"Sure you do, you're practically attached at the hip to him," PJ teases, to whom Dan gives a glare to.

"How can you not know?" Zoe asks, confused.

"We'll, Phil's my best friend, and, like, I'm super comfortable around him and everything. But I don't know if he wants to be, like, dating or whatever." Dan fidgets in his seat, unable to mask his discomfort in the situation.

"Phil? I've seen you with him," Charlie says. "I thought you were already dating."

"No," Dan says quickly. "That's just us being friends."

"What about you?" Zoe says, followed by a stretch of silence. Only then does Troye look up to see the faces of his friends staring expectantly at him.

"What, me?" he stammers dumbly.

"Yeah, you've never told us about your love life," Finn says, raising an eyebrow mischievously.

"There's nothing to tell," Troye replies honestly. Other than a few crushes over the years, he's never been in any romantic conflict -- no relationships or dates or anything.

"You're such a sweetheart, surely there must be someone you like?" Zoe says hopefully.

"Nope, no one," Troye says while he ignores the part of his brain that reminds him of the cute Hufflepuff boy that sits in front of him in Potions.

"What a shame, you're absolutely adorable," Zoe chirps, ruffling his hair. Troye ducks out from under her grip and his friends laugh good naturedly. Zoe always felt like a big sister to him, replacing his real one after he came to Hogwarts. He's the youngest of his friends, most of them in their last year while he's in his sixth. The age difference sometimes makes him feel the tiniest bit excluded.

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